Headcannons 1

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Wow, headcannons! Do be aware that these are really cringe. And also, there may be shipping, but not irl. None of this applies to the real hermits and is just their Mc characters and my weird imagination.

When Keralis cant think of anything to say, he just compliments them. The others think its a little strange but also cant complain.

If X doesn't look like he's judging, depending on what happened, he is.

Ren is a huge idiot, but he somehow comes up with the best pick-up lines.

A lot of the Hermits are cross-dressers.

Grian suffers PTSD from what happened back in Evo (and YHS), but the Hermits help him get through it.

Ex is the biggest simp for Hels

Doc and Hels has huge anger issues

Ren has this thing where he cant feel emotions properly so sometimes he becomes emotionless. A lot of the time this "emotionless phase" happens at the wrong time, curtesy of his horrible luck, and he ends up coming off as rude. Luckily Doc, and his brothers (Impulse and Iskall) help him through it. Also, this was the result of a failed experiment. 

Scar and Grian aren't blood related, but they see each other as blood-brothers

Wels and Hels really don't like each other. Hels because of all the things Wels has said to him, and Wels because Hels has threatened to destroy the server.  (this has been heavily altered -21/7/22)

Hels has trust issues.

Impulse is painfully honest with everyone, whether its to help you, or to see you suffer.

Mumbo is the hermit with the most sanity Hermit.

Keralis is the most innocent and wholesome Hermit, and its everyone's job to protect him and his innocence. Although Tango and Ex try to ruin it. (this has been altered -21/7/22)

Doc and Bdubs are besties but also hate each other. While most of the Hermits find this annoying, some of them, like Ren find it extremely amusing.

Despite his size, Grian is the one of the strongest (Athletically).

Ren is freakishly flexible to the point it looks like he's broken something (like a bone), and he uses this as a huge flex. (Pun unintended)

Doc and Ren are 100% that competitive couple that has to be better than everyone else. Everyone has come to terms with this, except for the new girls. (they have now come to terms with this -21/7/22)

Cleo and Ren are the most dramatic in the server.

X is a sassy piece of cheese (shi-) when he's angry.

Hels is the type of person who would glare at you when you sneeze. It's creepy

Keralis is a goat hybrid and Doc has attempted to goat-nap him

Mumbo would respond to a very long, well thought out paragraph of text, only for him to respond with a "yes", or a "k" or something like that.

X doesn't take care of himself properly, which usually leads to one of the Hermits (Most likely Keralis) taking care of him. (this has been changed -21/7/22)

Stress is a morning person, while Iskall is very much not.

Hels never likes to admit it, but he's very proud of Ex. Same goes with Ex to Hels, but Ex has expressed it before.

Grian made up a group called "The Shipping Team" (Yes, very good naming, Asgore/10) which consists of Grian, Scar, Bdubs, Mumbo, Iskall, Keralis, Ren, Ex, BadTimes, Stress, Pearl, and Gem.

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