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This is for DotIsMissing on Youtube! Happy birthday Dot! :D

I also used a prompt genertaorhttps://perchance.org/fluffy-otp-prompt-generator

Here is the prompt: Bdubs, on top of a chair: *screaming*

Scar: Bdubs?! What's wrong?!

Bdubs: *points at spider on the floor* Spider!
Scar: *starts screaming loudly as well*

Lets get writing!

Scar sat on the small bed he'd built for the night. The brunette had been asked by a very angry Bdubs to sleep because there are 'scary monsters that will kill you'. Now, he's probably right of course, but Scar didn't really care. He would've ignored him but his adorable expression is something he couldn't say no to.

He hummed softly at his fluffy, grey cat, Jellie as she roamed around the room. Scar was pretty content. That was, until he heard an ear-piercing, deafening shriek he was sure the entire server could hear. He ran out panicked. Was there something wrong? What was it? Will he die? Scar clumsily ran, seemingly for his life, but what he saw was quite unexpected. Bdubs, stood on one of the well-built chairs, fearing for his life.

"Bdubs?! What's wrong!?" Scar yelled, over the top of the short-mans shouting. Bdubs looked at him, evident fear in his eyes as he panted, surely out of breath. He pointed to the wooden boards, hands shaking like one of those rides get taken to different places a lot. "Sp- Spider!", He stuttered out. The elf looked where he was pointing, and there was indeed, a spider. Scar stared at it for a moment. It's beady eyes, it's tiny little body, it's long. lanky legs, the perfect recipe for disaster. Scar screamed just as loud, now knowing why Bdubs is scared. Scar threw himself on the table nearby, surely almost breaking it. They both freaked out, hoping they would be saved.

"What the actual hell is going on with you two?", a mystery voice echoed through the corridors of Scar's huge tree-base. They turned around to see a more-than-unimpressed Grian, stood there, judging them. "There's a-a spider! A scary one!" Scar managed to get out. The parrot man looked around until he eventually saw it. He doubled over with laughter, somehow louder than the fear-induced  holler that could be herd before this very moment. "That thing? You-You're scared of that!?" Grian stammered out. "It's scary! It could kill us all if it wanted!" Scar defended. Grian rolled his eyes as he approached the small arachnid. The other two stared in horror as he did so. As Grian picked-up the spider, Bdubs couldn't help but shift back, afraid that the spider might jump out and attack. "I'm going to hide this in Mumbo's bead sheets, don't make out while I'm gone", Grian said, snickering the last bit. "We won't!" Scar added, making the energetic man next to him blush. Grian laughed, noticing the blush on both of their faces on the way out.

Bonus, brought to you by emotional damage

Mumbo walked back to his base, or whatever he lives in. He eyed the copper walls, knowing exactly who was behind this. He dug a hole in the wall, and placed a door as he did for the trees. As he entered, the first thing he noticed wasn't the jail, feeling that washed over anyone inside, but the small blonde that sat at his bed. He had a huge grin plastered on his face, obvious he was up to something cheeky. The moustached man watched intently, trying to get a good look on what he was doing, to no avail. Grian pulled the sheets back into their original place before he spoke. "Grian" Mumbo nonchalantly spoke, as Grian jumped slightly. The parrots face went red in embarrassment before he shouted "It wasn't me, it was the man in the chicken costume!", before flying off. Mumbo walked to his bed and un-ravelled the bed sheets. To his surprise, it wasn't a colony of ants or a swarm of angry bees, but instead there was a small spider, crawling its way around the bed. Mumbo sighed and picked up the little friend and placed it in a jar. "I'll name you Jeff" He mumbled contently.

I hope you liked it! I'm pretty proud of this one.

Wc: 700 (sorry it's so short)

Goodbye and happy reading :D

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