Chapter 1: Out to sea

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I'm sure two lovers stranded together on a island has been done plenty of times before.

And ya know what? I will be the best Izuocha one at it.

( I haven't seen any other Izuocha ones so until then I win by default. )

On a cool slightly windy night in the middle of the sea,a huge ship made it's way across the water.

A man with green hair that blew around from the wind watched the waves splash across the ship wave after wave as he leaned on the railing looking down into the sea.

A door behind him opened and a woman with a backpack and brown hair that began to flow with the wind stepped beside him.

"Are you alright?" She calmly asked as she got beside him.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking about the trip we just had, Uraraka" The man looked up into the dark and starry sky.

"Hm. It was really nice for you to invite me out on a two-day trip with you. " Ochako leaned up against the railing as well setting her bag down.

" O-of course. You're my best friend, so it's only natural that I would choose you" He placed a hand on the railing as he shyly spoke to her.

"You know you could have taken your mom, Bakugo,or maybe someone else but you picked me. It really means more than I can say...more than I want to" She quietly whispered that last part so he couldn't hear her.

"My mom was too busy to come. And Kacchan for some reason got really ticked when I talked to him about it. He then told me to ask you for some reason" Neither of the two knew that Bakugo knew they were deeply in love.

"Still I have had a wonderful time. I almost wish it didn't have to end,it's even been awhile since we even got to do something. Our work has really got us busy" She looked out at the sea with a blank expression.

" I've also had a good time as well, Uraraka. I'm really happy to spend time with you." He was glad that it was to dark for her to see him blushing. "I really appreciate it" He couldn't see Ochako's blushing face either.

"Anytime. So are you going to stay out here any longer? The captain invited us for dinner with some other crew mates" Ochako picked up her back and put it back on her back.

"I will come soon. I just want to stay for a bit and clear my mind. But why are you carrying your bag around?" Izuku asked, pointing at her bag that she was carrying.

Ochako's expression changed into a frown and a face full of worry.

"I can't quite explain it...but I just have a strange feeling that something might happen so I'm carrying a few basic things we may need in case...sorry you probably think it's a bit weird" She scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

"I don't think that. You are just taking precautions. Besides all the stuff I did back in high school was much weirder" He joked and she gave a small chuckle in response and shook her head slightly.

"True. Anyway I'll see you there. Stay safe." Those were her final words as she went back into the ship leaving Izuku alone with his thoughts.

He only stayed out for a few minutes until he felt a bit of water splash on his nose. He looked up and it began to rain.

"Attention passengers. We are experiencing some sudden rain and we expect it to pick up fast. Please head inside the ship immediately and go to your room until an all clear is issued" The captain of the ship spoke throughout the ship.

Izuku heard this and he went inside the ship. He walked down the corridor until he heard a siren start to go off and the hallway was filled with a red light.

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