Chapter 7: Day 21

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About to kick off a adventure next chapter.

Things weren't as awkward as Ochako thought it would be. They went about their life on the island and never brought up their accidental kiss, and they put it behind them. Of course they would never forget it, but as long as the other didn't bring it up, neither would they.

Ochako was also happy for the last crate, she was in dire need of feminine care. She hoped for more like it, but since then they have yet to find another. But they knew there has to be at least one more. And there was a chance their mysterious helper was still alive and he could have plenty of supplies to help should they find him.

She put the clothes in the basket after they finished drying off and proceeded to head back inside their hut, which was getting improved by the day. They had made it so no water got in from the rain and they made something like beds.  They had mainly put down a lot of grass and leafs, but they were much softer then the ground. Anyway Ochako noticed that Izuku was done at the water, but it didn't look like he was catching any kind of fish.

After setting the basket down she walked over to the water to see what he was up to.

" Hey Deku! What're you doing in the water? Cleaning your feet?" She asked as she stepped in herself.

" Not exactly. I was just thinking and the water feels relaxing so it helps me think" He explained as he kept staring outwards into the endless body of water.

" What were you thinking about?" Ochako walked close to him as she loved the feeling of cold water on her feet.

" I'm starting to think help may not come, or at least not anytime soon" He let her know a few of his thoughts.

"C'mon Deku don't think negativity! Be happy!" She splashed a bit of water at him to which he laughed at bit at and he fired back at her.

"I'm not saying we will be stuck here forever, I'm saying maybe we should find our own way to get off the island. Maybe build a boat" He splashed some more water at her as he explained.

" That sounds- ACK COLD- Like a good idea! But I don't think either of us know how to build a boat" She ran out of the water as she was starting to freeze a bit.

" Too cold?" Izuku asked after seeing her get out of the ocean

"Very! I don't understand how you can stand in there like that!" Ochako washed her feet and stepped immediately into her shoes afterwards.

"It gets warmer once you stand in for a few minutes. So back on the subject of the boat, it wouldn't have to be perfect. Maybe like a small raft. But assuming we were to even make one, we have no idea about where to head towards. Tomorrow we should gather some wood and see what we can do" He explained his thoughts some more and he got out of the water as well.

" Sounds like a plan. I'll get our fire started so we can warm back up" And with that they headed back their hut to prepare a fire and dinner.

The next day they got right to work. They gathered as much wood as they could and other stuff like vines. Once they got some resources together, they began to craft.

"Here's what we'll do first. Take all these sticks and bundle them all together on the ground" Izuku talked and he plus Ochako did just that. " Next let's tie the vines around as tight as possible keeping them all together" They did so as well and they now had a mini raft.

"Is it even going to float?" Ochako felt that it was way too easy to make.

"Let's give it a try" They lifted it off the ground and carried it to the water, setting it down gently and sure enough it began to float gently on the water.

"Looks like we made some good work!" Ochako was amazed at how it went.

"Unfortunately it's not big enough, nor can it support the two of us plus supplies for the trip. What's worse is we don't have any real tools like nails, or even oars to paddle with. Drifting from one place to another like that is almost a death sentence. Not to mention we don't have a navigation system to help" Izuku began to mutter to himself and Ochako only understood about half. Much more than she used to, so it was an improvement at least.

" Maybe if we find more of those crates! Oh but I guess there's no guarantee that they would even have what we need " Ochako facepalmed in frustration upon realizing that.

Izuku thought for a bit and he soon had another idea.

"There's one thing we could do, but it's risky. It's so risky it may not even be worth it" Izuku got their boat out of the water with Ochako's help.

"What is it? It can't be any risker than staying here" She said as they carried it to their hut.

" The other person on the island. If he's still alive then there's a chance he may have what we need! Or at the least he could aid us in building" Izuku explained his idea to her.

"But Deku you know what's in the island! We've seen a tiger, which by the way may not even be the worst thing in there!" Ochako was completely against the idea at first.

"It's either that, or we stay out here hoping that someday a helicopter or boat happens to pass by. It's been over half a month since we've been gone, the search for us won't be lasting much longer assuming it's still going. You know I would never let harm come to you Uraraka, but this is the best chance we have" He tried to convince her that it was the right choice.

She felt touched by his words saying he would never let harm come to her. He always was like a guardian angel to her. And if he's that set on this and protecting her, then she needed to put her faith in him.

"Okay. We'll go in, but we should take at least a day to prepare. We need to pack weapons, food, water, and get plenty of rest" She used her fingers to show how much they needed.

" Agreed. Let's go ahead and get dinner started and rest up for tomorrow's adventure" They went to start the fire.

The next day they got prepared. They washed their clothes, got the sword Ochako had ready and the gun for defense, and took their basket filled with berries and fish. For water, they hoped that their would be fresh water somewhere in the island since they didn't have any other way to carry some. Ochako and Izuku now were prepared for their journey.

" Deku. I just want you to know, that if we survive and make it back I want to tell you something" She said as they walked near the signs.

" Why not now?" Izuku asked holding the basket.

" I need courage to say it. And I think if I can survive a jungle full of wild animals and God knows what, then I can definitely tell you" She blushed a bit.

" I understand. And we will make it" And with that they took their first step forward.

Do you think that the mysterious man is Alive? And even if he is, can he help Ochako and Izuku? Find out next time on dragon b- I mean Stranded but not alone!

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