Chapter 2: Day 1

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If you want to know how long this will be,I don't know.

After a lot of swimming towards the island, Izuku and Ochako made it to the shore. They spent the first fifteen minutes lying there so they could get a small rest from all the swimming.

Izuku sat up in the sand as his clothes felt really wet and full of sand. Ochako shook her brown hair getting the water and sand out of it.

" I suggest the first thing we do is send out a message" Izuku pulled out his cellphone and tried to call for help. " No bars. At least it's waterproof so no damage. " He shut his phone down to save the battery.

" Let's get some rocks. We can make a S.O.S. message for any planes or nearby ships" Ochako got up and started to pick up some rocks. Izuku got up and helped her.

" There we go. Mainly all we can do now is wait" Izuku sighed and sat back down in the sand. He was exhausted. " Let's take a look at what we got at least" Izuku emptied out his pockets and Ochako did as well.

" I got some candy, a lighter, and also a...wait what happened to my bag!?" After everything that happened she finally realized it was gone.

"About that...when we fell in the water it was causing you to sink so I had to cut it. What all was in it exactly?" He asked taking stuff out of his pockets.

"Clothes,a few bottles of water,a sword,and a lot of canned food" She sighed as they no longer had any of that.

"Damnit! I should have tried to save it!" Izuku slapped his head in frustration.

"Don't beat yourself over it Deku. If you hadn't I probably would have died. " She put her items back in her pockets.

"Never gonna let that happen. Well I have my knife, phone,and some money. But I doubt that will do us any good!" He threw down the yen in the sand and kicked a tree as Ochako picked it up and put it in her own pockets.

Ochako took a look both ways down the island seeing if she could find anything.

"I think we should split up and explore the Island. Maybe of we're lucky someone else is here,or at someone left something behind we can use" She suggested as she wiped the sand off from her clothes.

"Alright but let's just go around the island. When we go into the woods we should go together" Izuku went off in one direction and Ochako went in the other one.

He walked for awhile and he didn't seem to find anything other than some washed up shells. Not being one to waste items,he took them with him in case they could help later.

Ochako had her head filled with all kinds of situations.

' Geez! I never thought I would be stuck on a island!... Well at least Deku is here' Her cheeks warmed at the thought of being with her crush by herself for who knows how long. She shook her head at those thoughts. 'No. Now's not the time for that. We have to figure out a way to get out of here...huh?' Ochako saw something that took her by surprise.

Izuku was walking for longer than he thought he would. He figured that he would have seen Ochako by now but it seems like he's gone past more than 3/4 of the island by now.

'I hope she's alright. We don't even know what kind of animals live here' He looked around the beach for her. After just a bit more he found her digging in the sand. "Uraraka what are you doing?" He asked walking next to her.

"Deku! Look at this!" Ochako held up a piece of paper. Izuku read it carefully.

" If you are reading this, you are either stranded on this island as well or you have come to my rescue. If you are here to rescue me I will be deep on the forest. Look for the only apple tree on this island. I will wait there. I also have many messages scattered around if you're also stranded. Also dig to the right of this bottle if you're stranded,I have something you may need. Dated....three years ago" Izuku read the letter outloud.

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