introductions (0.5)

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My dearly Beloveds,

this story marks my 60th publishing on Wattpad. So I have been going back and forth on Hellsing Alucard or MHA with Shouta Aizawa. Then I decided it would be one based off, Bram Stoker's Dracula, with help from Hellsing's team.

My reasons are due to Sands of Time was my first. It's a Hellsing so, let's have the 60th story in that vein! Oh! No pun intended.

For some of my readers not familiar with vampire pet 'tropes' here is usually what happens:

1. girl's family killed or girl on her
own due to terrible circumstances.

2. Vampires or humans capture said girl and sell to Vampire pet store.

3. One is kept in a pet cage, poorly fed and beaten by the Pet Master. He sells said girl to a vampire as a pet.

Of course the quandary is you know the cruelty of the Pet Master versus the unknown vampire coming in the door to purchase.

Some stories start with auctions of hu man slaves as vampire pets.

4. Usually the girl has a rare blood type yet most writer's don't bother to do their research. I bothered to do my research.

Lily's is blood type †•-D-. There is only 110 donors in the world. The most rare are Rh null-golden bloods at 50 donors. I have provided more blood type rarity information at the bottom.

5. Rape, physical abuse and bondage are standard issue. Non-con is a hard limit for me, so no. Physical: not much for that, other than more agreed on slapping, for example with a Dom that knows what they are doing. It's about pain and pleasure, not physically beating someone.

So now I do believe you are ready for the Pet Lottery. I do hope you enjoy this vampire pet story off Bram Stoker's Dracula with a pinch of Hellsing for seasoning.

~•†I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; I fear; I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul.†•~Bram Stoker

Merci Beaucoup Mon Amis,

~•†•~ Michi Tala💋

•-D- is a variant within the Rh system. Most people with Rh have the C/c and E/e antigens. Someone with -D- is missing the C, c, E and e antigens completely.

•NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) 830,860 donors with -D- blood in the world.

•This is a very rare type in the Rh blood group system.

•If someone with a very rare blood type falls ill, there may be only a handful of donors in the whole country who can help them, or even just one. It's extremely scarce worldwide, with only 110 donors in the world on the International Blood Group Reference Laboratory database, of which 80% are in Japan.

•The prevalence of the other common blood types in the U.S. is as follows:

Blood type rarity
According to data from the Stanford School of Medicine Blood Center, AB- blood is the rarest type in the United States. Just 0.6% of people in the U.S. have this blood type.

O+: 37.4%
O-: 6.6%
A+: 35.7%
A-: 6.3%
B+: 8.5%
B-: 1.5%
AB+: 3.4%
AB-: 0.6%

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