rites & claims (5)

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Alucard leads Lily around the room, like it was a final showing of his new well bred filly, from his horse stable. The Vampire King moves so quickly, that the new royal pet is forced to concentrate, staying in her feet. Then the newly formed couple exit the ballroom. Vampire King is headed to his quarters, on the other side of Buckingham palace.

"You have to mark me right now?" Lily blurts out.

Vlad pauses long enough to look over his shoulder and growls out, "Yes now shut up and keep up girl."

"Hmmm..." is all Vlad heard until the sounds of the woman's butt smacking the floor.

He growls again and decides his new pet will walk soon enough, if he drags her. After a few feet and Lily not trying to stand, he looks back to her sliding on her ass, down the polished marble floor. The leash is in one hand so he can't hurt her neck quite as bad.

"Get up."

Within about a second later, "Why? I can keep up like this. Besides, the floor is great for sliding on."

Alucard rolls his eyes then swiftly scoops his new pain in the...err pet, under his right arm. He lifts Lilly up and under his arm like an overgrown Chihuahua. Vlad reaches his luxurious bedroom, with a "King" size bed. One could jokingly get lost in it.

With a slight flex of vampiric muscle, the new royal pet is airborne. Her body tumbles roughly onto the bed. Lily's hair becomes disheveled and falls into her face, to obscure her vision. She is more concerned about righting herself from being a pile of limbs, tangled in bedsheets that are no longer neatly made on the bed.

Vlad kicks the door shut with a loud bang. He watches his new pet get situated in his bed. "Getting comfortable?" he says with a smirk.

"No confusion is more like it, Vampire King..."

"What is there to be confused about?" his head tilts so when his lip curls up, more of his fang is visible. "I'm going to fuck some sense into you while I claim you..."

"Uh huh," Lily blows hair out of her face. "I thought men fucked hard, to leave the person, senseless. Hence my confusion...Sir."

Vlad cards his fingers through his long ebony hair and begins to chuckle. "You must have driven the training center insane. How have you managed to behave so well this long?"

"I hear it's a gift..."Lily just stares at him. She's pretty sure that smartass comment is a beating offense.

Vlad proceeds to saunter arrogantly to his rather huge bed, while in the process of slowly stripping. "Pet, there are rules that I expect you to follow without question."

Lily moves to sitting with her knees pulled up to her chin. Her eyes continue to study him. She figures if she is not supposed to look, it will be one of his rules, soon to be mentioned.

"One is not to speak until spoken, to which could possibly be your hardest not to break," Vlad says in a baritone voice meant to rile Lily up. "Two is your eyes on the floor or me. You may keep them on me but with a look of adoration. Never roll your eyes at me..."

Lily barely stifles a loud, choking cough. Adoration? To the King of Vampires? Sure, right up there kissing his feet. Not happening...

"Third, you must wear your collar when out of my room at all times. This is more for your safety. Fourth you will take your punishments with dignity. I can't stand whining, sobbing and sniveling..."

"Yes but does that include moaning? Or groaning...master?" Lily inquires with a straight face.

"Fuck. You are going to be nothing but trouble,girl..." Vlad hisses.

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