breaking neck (1)

485 8 2

🔞Mature Content: violence & sexual
🚫Dub con/sexual sadism
🍋BDSM terms used (master/ lil one)
🍋Bondage/kink & fetishes
💢Foul Language used-dirty talk

~•‡•~ This is the fifth year and the British Isles territories are preparing for their gift of a royal pet. Usually it's a young woman having reached 18 but male pets are accepted also. A beautiful and obedient pet is not an concern of gender.

This year, four pets from Ireland, are being presented to his High Vampire King, Vlad Dracula. The four major counties are Ulster, Leinster, Munster and Connaught. Alas Connaught, with only having five smaller counties, has been literally plagued with disease. All but one trained pet has survived, by the miracle of God, some say.

~•Others say she is the daughter of the devil himself.

A well dressed representative from Connaught, steps on to the sidewalk, that leads to the main entrance of Buckingham Palace. The palace has supplied a chauffeured, grey limousine, for the Connaught representative and their pet.

This year's lottery pet has a troubled past. Her name is Lily and she is the daughter of a woman, that lived in the woods. Lily's father abandoned her mother before the birth of Lily. Nothing is known about the father and the mother was a hedge witch. For years the mother and daughter "flew" under the radar until a trip into town, one day.

Lily's mother caught the attention of twin vampire brothers, in the nearest town, while picking up things they couldn't grow or make. Learning that she lived in the woods, the two young male vampires decided to pay a visit. Lily's mother placed her daughter, in an underground shelter, hidden in the floor. The girl was forced to hear the terrible sounds, of her only family member, being raped and fed on continually for over day. When the vampires finally left, there was nothing but torn pieces of flesh and broken bones.

It was such a horrifying sight, Lily grabbed items she needed and fled their cabin. Being an orphan meant going to a large town. This also meant "free" children went to orphanages. Lily was eleven, when a vampire collection agency, captured her. The girl didn't make it an easy capture either. Getting her out of the sewers was a most distasteful procedure. Humans of course, did the physical labor but it required city sewer plans, to find all Lily's hiding spots. Then it was simply "brush beaters" moving the prey to the hunters of old.

Lily is definitely not the first or second pick. She would have been the last choice. What she does have, is a strong immune system and so she is the sole survivor, of all the trained lottery pets. She meets all the qualifications to be presented.

"Little better remember everything you were taught!" her handler growls out.

"Yes, of course Sir..."

Connaught has gone all out, a revealing red velvet dress with matching strappy heels. The final touch is her reddish leather collar with matching wrist and ankle cuffs. They are neatly buckled in their proper locations.

As for Lily, she feels like a young mare at a Spring horse sale. She glances at how the other pets are dressed. Her matching bondage gear makes her look "rearing" to go, in horse talk. Perhaps different circumstances, would have her feeling like a cat but not dressed like this.

A snap of the leash reminds Lily to set her head lower to look more submissive but the fact she's six foot without heels, that's difficult. The pale skinned beauty tips her chin down and is grateful, the front portion of her hair is down. She can glimpse through her hair.

Vlad Dracula, the Vampire King, is in a secluded area so as to observe the lottery pets when they think he can't see them. This tedious lottery unfortunately does still serve a purpose, for politics and the fear factor, being picked to be the personal royal pet, to the No Life King, himself.

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