bloody hunt (7)

223 8 0

(Hoia Baciu forest- Transylvania)

⚠️Mild Graphic Violence
🍋Lemon time

Vlad is sitting on his throne, fingers lightly drumming on the armrest. ' They' dared to take his human pet. No, 'they' kidnapped his Lily and he wants her back more than anything. His thoughts get interupted by Walter.

"Sir Alucard, there is a cabin engulfed in flames next to the haunted forest," Walter informs his master. "Perhaps Lily has escaped?"

Vlad's fingers stop as an eyebrow rises up. "Having only known her for two days but it sounds like something she would do."

"The helicopter will be ready in five minute Master Alucard..." then Walter is gone.


Lily notes her direction is west because once in the thick, fog laden forest, her bearings are going to disappear. The young woman begins to quietly walk in as straight of a path as she can while memorizing landmarks. A tree that has a limb with a knot or stump on the ground, that reminds her of something else. She can't leave blaze marks due to being pursued.

The woods are eerily quiet as there are no birds singing or insects buzzing. The temperature has been colder since entering the haunted forest. No one knows what lurks in this forest. Vampires don't even enter these woods, though they have no reason to do so, now that they are free to walk among humans. It's not even known when this so-called place called Hyde Park became an overgrown forest of nightmares.

Lily pauses, to glance at the foggy sky. She thinks she hears the sound of a helicopter, flying low, but the fog obscures her vision. The royal pet checks her surroundings for a landmark then she begins to walk faster. The game truly begins as soon as vampire hunters enter the forest.

At what Lily thinks is possibly noon, she finds a stream. She fills the water bottle then steps in to travel through the stream. She hopes to lose her scent, some and the water hides her tracks. At some point the young woman needs to take a break. Her eyes search for a tree to climb but none seem inviting. So Lily walks to a large and old looking bent one.

"Forgive me old and wise tree but I need shelter," she whispers to the tree.

Her fingers find small purchase holds in the bark and she begins to ascend the old, gnarled tree. Twenty feet up, Lily's feet slip out from under her. As she dangles from fingertips, her ears hear a groaning of wood. Her hands can't hang on anymore so she drops only to have her feet touch down on a large branch. Lily doesn't question it. Her mother told her that the fae were all around still but humans could no longer see them.

"Thank you..." she whispers once more.

The huge tree shifts under her and Lily climbs into the crotch of it. It's perfect to hide and rest in. The royal pet looks down and sees that the forest is very much alive. The forest floor is now buzzing with Unseelie fae. They look like leaves and sticks, some brown and some gray. A squirrel scampers by, pausing only long enough to drop pine nuts in her hands, then is gone again.

Apparently the haunted Hyde forest is a fae sanctuary...

"Where did that bitch human go?" hisses Gage, one of the four remaining vampires.

"The pet human is too stupid to elude us for long," Blake responds.

Gage growls, "Where did Hatcher go now?"

Some distance from the other two vampires, large tree roots pull out of Hatcher's body. The roots begin to spiral and burrow underground, pulling the dead vampire under too. Soon there isn't even a drop of blood remaining to show where the vampire met his gruesome death by impalement.

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