proper claim (8)

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"Wait! Let's discuss this for a moment," Lily gulps. "Please Dominus Rex (Latin: Lord King)..."

"There is nothing to discuss about pets..."Vampire King's fingers are pulling her boots.

The royal pet doesn't even see where her stolen boots go. Next her body rolls one way and then the other as all of her clothes from the waist down are gone. The damp air, from the fog, has her shivering. The shivering changes in degrees and cause quickly though.

Shadow King dismisses his clothing as his hands tightly hold Lily's thighs. His hands hold over half her body up. It's quite disconcerting to the pet. The Vampire spreads them then pulls her hips up and licks strongly between her folds. The royal pet lets a startled yelp out that is replaced with a groan. Her body goes from struggling, hanging upside, to wiggling slightly and head lightly resting on the forest moss.

"Aaahhh...more please Dominus."

Eyes that had been focusing on her pussy are now intensely staring down at her. His mouth latches on to her clit then he lets a growl out, vibrating against her sensitive spot. Her waist twists and turns from how aroused the young woman has become. Vlad knows just a little bit longer and she will be coming "undone" around him.

The No Life King replaces his mouth with fingering her aroused button. His sensitive ears listen for just the right moment when Lily begins to orgasm. His fangs dig deep into her inner right thigh and her rare blood seeps into his hungry mouth. He sucks vigorously, bruising the tender flesh over his bite mark.

When Vlad feels sated, he lowers his quietly groaning pet, from both pleasure and pain then places her in a mating press. His pale fingers stroke his painfully erect vock then smears the precum over the angry scarlet colored head. He now glides his cock head through Lily's stickiness to coat it with slick. Two more slides through then a powerful thrust down, until Vlad can't go any far without truly hurting his pet permanently.

"Nnnh! Dominus..."Lily calls out as her eyes narrow from the intense sexual feeling of the Vampire King being stuffed in her.

"Does feel quite good, wild one..."his head tips back as he licks his lips. "Fuck... must claim... you."

"Aahh! More...please," Lily cries out.

"Do not worry my sweet pet," his breath pauses. "I will fill that tight pussy up with my vampiric seed. Not another vampire will seek you out now..."

"Vlaaad! So close!" Lily pants loudly.

Skillful fingers return to her touchy clit, causing Lily's body to jolt under Vlad. The first Nosefatu feels the young woman begin to buck and stretch her legs. He takes this opportunity to pull her body up by removing some of weight, until he can reach her breasts. The shirt has rolled down to expose them. Vlad feels her core beginning the count down by the strength of her squeezing his cock. His ears listen for the exact moment just before she will come and engulfs her right breast.

Once more he sinks fang in but not as roughly. Vlad only wants a taste of blood as he feels his body begin to crash over the brink for his orgasm. His hips stutter and thrusts are sloppy as he groans at his release. He continues to rut roughly against Lily, pushing his cum far and deep up inside. In return the young Dhamprica cums again from the jerking motion of his hips.

"Vlad..." the pet calls softly out.

The Shadow King settles their bodies on the ground, her under him, wrapping Lily up in a cocoon of his arms and body.

" for a moment," he whispers while kissing her gently.

"Noo..please what will become of me?" Lily's voice is sharp with concern.

"If you become a well trained pet," he chuckles. "You will be my personal guard, to me only and no longer just the royal pet."

"But..." she tries not to whine.

He kisses her cheek, "And my royal concubine of the highest title, consort."

"Consort?" Lily huffs.

"Patience Pisica mea sălbatică mică (my little wild cat), there are no laws written currently for your kind," Vlad states in a serious voice. The consort title means ''my future legal wife until I can change how the laws are written."

"Mmm..." Lily blushes. "Yeah but do you think you will ever love me?"

"Dragostea ta imi lumineaza viata (Your love lightens up my life)...tu esti sufletul meu pereche (you are my soulmate.)" he whispers.

"Da, Prințul meu întunecat (yes my Dark Prince)...Lily responds in return.

Molten eyes of red, orange and sunset orange stare with curiosity. "You speak my homeland's language?"

"Not really...I only learned romantic mushy stuff," Lily blushes more.

Vlad softly laughs, "It's a start. Time to go home, little wild cat..."

No man knows till he experiences it, what it is like to feel his own life-blood drawn away into the woman he loves."~Bram Stoker

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