royal investigation (6)

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Disclaimers⚠️: extreme violence towards the male Antony in an attempted rape

Lily slowly stretches, as her eyes begin to focus on where she is at and it's not where she was before. Her eyes quickly glance down her body and she sighs. Whoever took her from Vlad's bed, had put shorts and a tank top on her. Her memory serves little to remember what happened. She was in a deep sleep then strong vampiric arms restrained her, in a thin blanket and then being moved. At some point of she lost concisioness.

Her eyes adjust to the dark to see a chain is attached to her leather collar. It is then attached to the wall over the bed. She has just enough length to reach the bathroom but not much else. The window is shuttered shut, from the outside, so escape is probably not through it.

The royal pet takes several controled breaths to calm her nerves. Lily decides it time, so takes care of her bodily homeostasis, by using the bathroom and drinking some water from the tap.~

Buckingham Palace is finally quiet from the massive dispute between the Addwells and the Bartleys. Vlad is actually tired from all the political and family treachery towards each other. His pale fingers turn the door knob to his quarters, quietly. It is near midnight and he is sure Lily is asleep.

Vlad begins to undress, looking forward to a warm pet and a snack. He can barely wait to dine on some more of his pet's truly rare -D- blood type. The rest of the planned activities can be tomorrow. He chuckles softly then slips under the sheets. His hand pats the mattress but Lily isn't near this side of the bed. The Vampire King sits up, then notices the sheets are arranged strangely, as if a struggle had occurred. The scent of three unknown male vampires is faintly on the bed sheets. With a roar, that can be heard through the whole palace, Vlad is up and not bothering to dress. He's so pissed off, he simply manifests clothes then storms out of his bedroom.

"Guards!" he's bellowing. "Search the palace! My pet is missing!"

Vlad is a blur of speed then enters his throne room and takes a seat on his throne. His eyes scan the room. "I want every vampire in this palace standing before me now!" the Vampire King demands.

The rapid sound of movement, announces the vampires are collecting into the room. Shadow King studies each vampire's manner and behavior to his command. Not surprisingly, the Addwells and Bartleys are nervous but relatively calm for the scene. Another vampire is too calm, Arnie Bevins and is in fact drinking blood from a chalice, during all of this.

Once all are gathered in the throne room, Vlad stands to deliver his speech. "Someone has been in my royal chambers and kidnapped my royal pet! Which one of you was the idiot mastermind to take what is mine?"

"My High King, how do you know she didn't just simply run away? That pet was trouble from the very beginning..." Arnie states in a steady voice.

Vlad's eyes narrow, the Bevins family are strong in mind control. They can produce the most beautiful lies and you will believe them, if you're not careful. That includes vampires of lower ranking.

"My pet didn't run. There is evidence that she was taken by three male vampires," Vlad growls threateningly. "Taken when I was dealing with Addwell-Bartley bullshit..."

"Your majesty," Anna Bartley says. "You can't possibly think we had anything to do with it?"

"Excuse me, my Lord and king but it's just a pet. Pick another..." Andrew Addwell adds to the conversation. "Pets are property so you can't really kidnap them. It's more minor theft, wouldn't you say?"

"Enough! Need I remind you about the gold cup in the town center, when breathed? Stealing or kidnapping are but different terms, for taking something that belongs to me!" Vlad roars at his audience. "Go and find Lily! Now!"

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