morning start (3)

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🍋Lemon Time

"We shall see how she does tomorrow..."

Lily is in the bathroom washing herself up. She has just finished getting the stain out of her dress, best she can. The dress will pass but still it's not her attire for tomorrow. It puts her at a disadvantage. Her thoughts are put on pause when she hears someone outside her room door. The pet stops what she's doing and immediately leaves the bathroom.

It's the human advisor, Walter. Yet she still bows down and waits. The advisor smirks at the sight, his Master would be most pleased. "Rise up. I have permission to remove your collar and cuffs..."

Lily stands quickly and lifts her hair. Walter's nimble fingers unbuckle the collar. He then moves down to wrists and finally ankles. Lily is a little on the thin side for his Master, he notes. That's nothing good food can't fix...

"Thank you Sir..." she softly states.

"You are most welcome," the advisor replies. "I shall return in the morning to retrieve you. I am still your presenter."

"I understand."

The potential royal pet is mulling over in her mind, the test the Vampire King, asked her to perform. Lily wasn't quite sure how she had anticipated his move. Throughout the whole test, her actions seemed natural to her. There was the scary part. Well, besides nearly growling at the Vampire King. Lily had no idea vampire males purred. It totally threw her off then, the fact she seemed to feel the need to respond back, in a half threatening manner.

~•That had not been good... can't let that happen again.

Finally the potential pet, Lily falls asleep well, in fact the best night since her mom was murdered. She gets up early to enjoy the privacy of doing yoga. Her mother taught her the Hindi spiritual discipline for years. The young woman has progressed to such positions, as advanced crow and the sleeping yogi. At the orphanage, she had been told to stop the practice but she refused so practiced in secret. That was a trick in itself. Lily simply learned to sleep light and only the bare amount of sleep her body needed at about five hours.

So when Walter arrives to check on Lily, he is pleasantly surprised by Lily in the advanced crow position. Her head faces the door as her knees are folded up and all her weight is on her arms. Upon seeing Walter, she unfolds her legs then stretches forward, to point out by her head. This allows her to now, to place her feet down so she can do a proper bow, to the Vampire King's advisor.

"Good morning Sir..."

"Morning Miss Lily," the advisor asks the lottery pet. "How did you sleep?"

"I feel quite refreshed," she says with a hint of excitement. "Please let my King know how much I appreciate his generous care. I am a mere pet yet I do not take it remotely for granted."

Walter lets a small chuckle out,"Anyrate, there is a dress being delivered for you to wear, with the necessary accessories also. I will have your breakfast up soon."

"Breakfast?" Lily replies quickly. "I have no way remotely, to pay back such hospitality sir!"

"You simply need to compete well today..." Then Walter closes the door.

~Lily doesn't know what that means. Does he find her company pleasing?

The world buzzes constantly about his cruelty and rage. He has returned to impalement even. His vampire nobles only need to take a quick history lesson to know how he thinks about their roles and lack of loyalty when he was living long.

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