second trial (4)

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An egg and a piece of toast, after a nap, wasn't much help in the dazed department for Lily. Her body feels strangely relaxed to the point of wobbly and her mind is in a euphoric high. How much blood did he take this morning? Why am I so high still from the orgasm? A portion of her mind bolted to a single point of clarity.

~It's a test...

Now a chill runs down her back. How will one perform after Shadow King has fed on blood? On sex or both combined? It's all a test and Lily now doubts, she can stay focused enough, to pass the test. Her eyes start to focus, a little better and she searches out the other pets. The potential royal pet does take note that an English and Irish candidate is not present. Did he do the same thing to them?

A candidate from Wales and another English pet are extremely pale. Their eyes are listless looking. Lily jumps a little, when cool fingers caress her neck. Her lavender eyes lock on to his blue eyes? Blue eyes are a surprise...

"How are you feeling draga mea?" he asks in a low baritone voice only the two can hear.

"What did you do to me?" she glares then remembers she is supposed to not address him with eye contact.

The Vampire King chuckles, "Only a taste of what your future could hold..."

"No. It's a test. You want to see if I can keep my wits and manners about me," she hisses out.

"Oh? You have managed to keep your wits but the manners are lacking," he smirks.

Lily nods her head towards the pet from Wales, " Sir and my King, did you give the others the same treatment?"

"So what if I did...."he pauses.

A red blush crosses Lily's face. She supposes beginning the first one, this morning, is better but her ego does take a hit. She had forgotten, he has been around a harem and was alive during the time of Sultans. Vlad can have as many concubines, as he wants, to service him. Not to mention two wives and many mistresses. Vlad had been a cruel man but only one story tells of him killing a mistress for lying about being pregnant.

~Follow the rules and Vlad was your attentive lover, when not trying to kill the Sultan, of course.

"Does the thought of me going to others, for sexual wants, upset you?" he turns her face, to him, to read her eyes.

"It does but then I remembered my history lesson on you..."Lily sighs. "You have had many lovers, both men and women along with the Sultan's concubines."

"History lessons? Do tell me who your source is..." Impaler King inquires.

"My late mother taught me of your history. She said it would help to understand the 'things' the Vampire King does and how to stay out of sight," her eyes go to looking at the toes of her boots.

"And yet here you are," his fingers jerk her head, so Lily has to focus on his face. "So where did she learn my history? Granted, any of it is remotely correct."

"A family secret and probably a complete fabrication but vampire hunters..."Lily clears her throat. "Hellsing."

The Vampire King chuckles loudly, "Hellsing blood? That is not likely my dear."

"Illegitimate as in, couldn't keep it in their pants so I don't have a name, to put with the pedigree..."

"Manners now," he releases her chin. "You forgot to bow."

Then Alucard moves on to the next pet and so on. As it turns out, Alucard meets with every potential pet and representative. Lily watches, from under her loose hair, to see how he reacts to the others. Impaler King is judging each pet's trained bow. Some of the conversations, she can hear and some she can only do lip reading.

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