(1) Chaos

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"So, what happened while you were out there? Where's your group." Random person.

"My group.. Heh, they left. I can't find them. Have you looked around, like you promised." The person nods.

"Your experience with this whole epidemic."

"It's gotten worse since 2027. Let me tell you a story. My story.." Amber says with a little boy playing at her feet.

#1: Always stay away from people, don't interact with them. You need to survive.
10/1/2027 (Amber)

Amber's POV.

I wake up like any other day. Tired from working two jobs and studying.

I get my uniform on and finished getting ready and head to the bus stop.

I was sitting down then my data goes out and then comes back on.

"That's weird." I whisper and stood up and close my eyes for a second.

A lady comes up to me.

"Okay this is gonna be a weird question, have you gotten a vaccine within 5 years or within three months?" She asks and I look down to see she had a baby bump.

I shook my head.

"My parents didn't want me getting the vaccine. But I have to, to attend school so I'm going to get it tomorrow. I also get the flu shot once ever three years. I'm due for it this year." I say and the lady smiles and nods.

"I haven't gotten the vaccine either, and I'm never getting it. People say it's bad and it'll kill you." She says and I looked at her and she looked sick.

Like not actually sick, but she looked wicked pale and looked in pain.

I look at the time and the bus arrived. I got on and payed my fee and the lady gets on also.

I sit down and she was standing up.

After about 10 minutes into the ride she held her stomach.

I get up and touched her shoulder and pointed to my seat and she sat down and I helped her.

"Thank you young lady." She says and I smiled and nodded.

I press the button to get off and they stop at the next bus stop and all the students get off and we head to school.

At work.

"Carlos, we need two beers and one Margarita for table five." I say running around.

"Alrighty!" He screams.

I go to a table next to the window.

"Hello! Sorry for the long wait. What would you guys like to order?" I ask and get my pad and pencil.

"We would like to have-"


I looked out of the window and seen an ambulance and cop car fly by.

I wonder what's going on.

"Hey, Carlos.. Turn the TVs on, please." I yell.

He nods and turns them on.

I take the peoples orders and go give them to the chef.

The TV in the kitchen was on and I looked at it to see a horrific scene.

"EVERYONE! Get inside! Lock your doors! AHHHHH!!!!" The news lady screams while she gets torn apart by a scary looking man.

I've seen this before, On the walking dead.

I looked back up to the TV and a chopper view was on and it looked A MESS.

I run out of the kitchen and seen everyone running out of the restaurant.

I locked the doors and pulled down the protective metal piece.

All of a sudden a person fly's into the window and breaks the glass snarling.

I scream and fall on my butt and scoot away.

Carlos comes up to me and grabs me up.

"Get your stuff and run home! It's just next to here, am I correct?" He says hurriedly. I nodded and then he nods.

He drags me to the staff room and we changed. He was gay so I was comfortable around him.

"Alright, don't tell anyone about this okay?" He says and unlocks a safe in his locker and pulls out two belt knifes and two hand guns that also went on the belt with the knifes.

He handed me one.

"Put it on your waist. Use the knife first and then if you have to, use the gun. Here's bullets. Go kid!" He says and I run out with him behind me.

"That way!" He yells pointing to a back door and I opened it and we ran in the alleyway.

I turn left towards my apartment and he turns right.

I run as fast as I can dodging many people and run into my building and run up to my room and shut and lock it.

I put a chair under the door handle and I run through my house packing as much stuff as I could.

More knifes, two guns my father had and all the bullets.

I look out my large window and it was a mess. People running around the dead eating the living. Fires from cars crashing.

"I hope Carlos got back okay..." I whispered and all of a sudden bombs came down.

The wave from the blast hits my building and shatters my window.

I fall down and cover my head but to my dismay, a large piece of glass cuts my cheek.

I hold it and pull my hand back to see it bloody.

More bombs were set off and into all the buildings across the way.

I hurried and grabbed everything I would need, food, bottles of water, medical supplies, my toothbrush and toothpastes and female products which I had a massive amount of.

I even grabbed my blanket and pillow!

I grabbed all my clothes, my sneakers and socks and threw them into my duffle. I only had two pairs of sneakers. The ones I had on and brand new ones I just bought yesterday.

I sling the duffle across my head and shoulder.

I look on my counter and seen a picture of me and my family and I grab it and I seen the one I took at a cliff me and my parents hiked up. I put them in the bag.

I grabbed my book bag and put it on. I run out of the building with my knife at the ready.

I look around and seen lots of dead bodies and the dead.

Once they caught sight of me they start coming after me. They were quite fast like the beginning episode of TWD.

Then all of a sudden a bomb is blown into my building and I just look at it.

I run away.

I got far away from New York City.

I was tired, I was hungry and I was thirsty.

I found a gas station and I hurriedly went inside and locked the door.

I sit behind a shelf and rest my head against it and close my eyes.

I take my book bag off and take out a bottled water and something to eat.

I look outside and seen it was getting dark.

"Might as well sleep here tonight." I whisper..

I finished and brushed my teeth, or I at least tired too.

I get up and find a safe place to sleep in the gas station which was behind the counter. I fall asleep.

New book! What do y'all think?!?!

I like it so far! 😂💙 The fun has just started!!

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