(6) Amberlynn

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"We promise we won't slow you down! I want to get out of this college." The boy that told me to come eat, says.

I smile and nodded.

I look at my brother and he was smiling a little bit.

"Is it okay with you, Bram?" Hannah asks and he looks at her.

"Of course." He says and I smile.

"Let's head out tomorrow. I'll have my brother, the baby and Hannah in my car. Maybe one of you guys too." I say and point towards the boys and the one my age raises his hand and I nodded.

"I'll help you guys find a car tomorrow. I have two gallons of gas." I say and they nodded.



We were almost there. It took only two days to get there because the roads that were blocked by walkers weren't blocked anymore.

I parked the car behind a car that has never been there before.

I turn the car off. Thank god you couldn't hear it when you pulled up.

"Alright. I'm gonna need one of you to come with me. And no Hannah, you have to stay with Esker."

The others were down the hill waiting for us.

The boy in the back raises his hand and I nodded.

"In that black duffle. There's hand guns. Do you know how to shoot?" I ask and he nods and I nodded.

"Alright. Grab a clip and gun, let's head out. Bram, lock the doors. If you hear any gunshots, don't come and find us, leave as fast as you can. Protect Hannah and Esker. If we don't come back in 10 minutes leave." I say and he just looks at me.

"I promise, I'll be back in less then ten. And you know I never break the promises I give you." I say and he nods and I hugged him.

Me and the boy leave the car and I give the keys to Bram.

"If we don't come back. I promise we will find you." I say and close the door.

I grab my gun and check the clip to see it's full and I looked at the boy and nodded.

I bring my gun up and we walked slowly.

We get up a little farther to see around five bulky people camping out far away at the fire pit.

I point and he runs around the car.

I look at the old car that was there when I left and seen a baggie with a map in it. It was on the side the boy was on.

I look at him through the windows and pointed and he looked and I mouthed grab it when he looks back at me.

I looked back at the people.

He maneuvered and got it quietly and quickly.

I nodded at him and I pointed back to our car and he starts heading.

I turned around and I didn't see the stick that was there and I stepped on it and it made a horrible loud cracking sound and the chatter stopped and I heard guns clicking.

I look at the kid and he looks at me.

"Hello there." I hear a deep southern voice.

I gave the kid a look and he runs and gets in the car.

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