(2) #1: Survival

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I found a gas station and I hurried and went inside and locked the door.

I sit behind a shelf and rest my head against it and close my eyes.

I take my book bag off and take out a bottle water and something to eat out.

I look outside and seen it was getting dark.

"Might as well sleep here tonight." I whisper..

I finished and brushed my teeth, or I at least tired too.

I get up and find a safe place to sleep in the gas station which was behind the counter and I fall asleep.

First things first: Find Amberlynn (Carlos)

Carlos' POV.

Me and my husband were packing our stuff up when we heard the bombs.

The shock wave blasts our windows and we cover our heads.

After we hurried more. After about 10 minutes, more bombs were sent and I seen one heading for Amber's and it crashed into it.

I scream and grab my stuff and my husband follows me.

"Amberlynn!" I yell and run out of the building and to my dismay the dead looked over and ran towards us.

"Carlos, come on. If she didn't get out in time. She's gone. We have to hurry, those things are fast right now!" My husband Danny says and drags me and we run.

We find somewhere far from New York and stay there for the night.

I was up half the night worrying about Amber.

Amber's POV.

#2: Find somewhere to stay safe and places that people have raided. Only stay for a day, two days at most.

I get up to my cheek in pain.

I seen there was a mirror and I get up and grab the bag that had medical supplies in it.

I clean out the cut and put a big bandaid on it and throw everything away.

I then start looking for extra food. My favorite snacks, non-perishable foods and everything was here.

I put all the stuff in my food bag. I then hear two cars pull up and I crouch down. I seen big bulky guys with guns come out and I seen teens also.

Maybe about five of the kids were from my school.

I hurried and got my bags on and went towards the back door.

I go to open it but I hear glass shatter and I get scared and hide.

"Check everywhere. Get everything on these shelves." A guy says.

"Yes, sir." Everyone says and they start ransacking the place.

I heard heavy footfalls coming towards where I was hiding.

"Anyone in here?" The same man I heard tell them to look through the station, says.

I don't answer and I set my head on the little island that was in the middle of the back.

I close my eyes and hold my breath and I shrink as low as I can.

He gets closer.

"Henry." I heard a boy I knew, say and then I heard the guy stop walking towards me.

"What." He says and walks over to the boy.

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