(3) Scarred

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I was in an abandoned farm house with a nice porch I could look out and see the beauty of our home.. Earth... Earth, why do you have to do this... Well it's not just you, it's us rotten humans...

Breaking the atmosphere and polluting your waters and air... I'm sorry on behalf of all these people... Well, I don't know how many people are here still.

"Bram, I hope your okay. I hope your safe and you find me soon or I find you... Mom, dad, God... If he is, please watch over him and bring him to me... Or bring me to him..." I say and close my eyes.

I open them and I walk back in the house and lock all the doors and find an empty room and lock that door also and go to sleep...

Tomorrow, I need to find a clean place to shower... Or I hope one of these showers work here..

Second thing: Still, try and find Amberlynn. (Carlos)

Carlos' POV.

It's been about a month and no sign of Amber, We've ran into people and we've grouped together with them.

We told them to look out for her while going on hunts and food trips and they have.

I've gone with them a couple times but Danny always goes.

I've just given up to be honest with you. I keep telling myself she was in her apartment when the bombs went off. But deep down. I know she got out safely.

Today they were going on a loot but me and Danny were staying with the others. There was a lot of people to be honest with you.

We didn't know what was gonna happen once the group got back. But I feel something was gonna happen. I don't know what, though...

Amber's POV.

I walk sluggishly in the woods and I trip over a log and smack my head on a small rock.

All my food and water was gone, I was hungry and thirsty. I was hot and I couldn't stand the sweat all over me. I felt like I smelt and I've never liked smelling..

I knew I was 100% dehydrated because I was so thirsty and I had a massive headache. Not counting me smacking my head on the rock.

I groan and roll on my side.

I touch my head and pull it back to see a little blood on my hand.

I haven't slept in about two days.

I started going to sleep and then I heard sluggish footfalls to my left and I look up and seen the scariest thing in the world.

It snarls and I scream and back away while it goes after me.

"HELP!!" I scream, I couldn't get up so I just tried to scoot away from the walker.

It got close to me and I kicked it and I go backwards more and smack against something.

I look up and seen another one.

I cry.

I tried to get up but it grabs me.

I grab my gun to my dismay, it wasn't in the clip.

I seen it where I fell.

I grab my knife and I stabbed it in it's neck and it stumbles back and I kicked the other one and move backwards.

"AHHHHH!!!! HELP!!!" I scream and cry and the two walkers start walking over to me.

"Please!! HELP ME!!" I scream knowing full well that this was gonna be the end of everything, but I was also hopeful because I was by a road.

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