(4) More then 2 days

13 1 0



She was squatting in the water and I start to set the stuff on a rock when she stands up and I look at her and down her body.


I turn around and clear my throat and I heard her jump and squat in the water again.

"Here's some clothes from my mom. You guys are like the same size so she didn't mind sharing. She also gave you a brush and hair tie you could use.." I say and set the stuff down.

"Alright." She says barely above a whisper and I smile a little.

"Sorry to disturb you." I say and walk off.


#29: Found my best friends and a group.. Its getting colder and might start snowing soon.
11/21/2027 (Amber)
#37: Maybe I can stay with these people and we can survive together.
11/28/2027 (Amber)

Amber's POV.

I write in my notebook I started the day the apocalypse happened.

I've been here for about seven days now. It's also gotten colder since December is coming..

Going on hunts have gotten harder, especially with the weather.

A couple of walkers have come up here since the food in the city has reduced and they are hungry..

I feel like something bad was gonna happen today, I feel like that every day. But who cares, right?

I go up to Carlos while he makes plans for the gun training we've been doing with the Sheriffs that the group had.

I've had this feeling since I got here and I've been telling Carlos but he says it's nothing.

"Hey. May I talk with you a sec?" I ask Carlos and he nods and says something to the two young sheriffs.

I walk away and he follows.

We get far away and I turn around and look at the people while they talk.

"What's up, Am?" He asks and I look up at him.

"I really don't know why you aren't listening. But somethings gonna happen. I feel it in my gut. We have to tell everyone. I know I've said this to you multiple times. But I strongly suggest to give everyone a warning, at least. Just in case it does." I say and he just looks at me.

He nods.

All of a sudden screams are heard.

I grab my gun and we run towards the screams and two kids come running and two walkers were coming at them.

I holster my gun and grab my knife and stab one in the head and someone else does the other.

I look over to see Barlow looking at me and then we both look back at the kids.

I go over to them and touch their heads and squat.

"Did they scratch or bite you?" I ask and examine both of them.

"No, Ms. Èsme." Barlow's sister says and I nodded and touched their faces.

"Check around camp. See where they came from and put more tin cans." Carlos says and one of the cops went and three other people went.

"Do you really think those damn tin cans'll keep us safe." I whisper and Carlos turns his head to me while I stare at him and shake my head.

I look down at the kids and I grabbed their hands.

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