Her Treasures

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Alright so I just finished this. I've got a slightly different writing style in this for some reason. It kinda worked for this. So this idea was killing me for a while so I finally wrote it. It's a little bit sad so prepare yourselves.
Ending could've been better but oh well. I hope you enjoy!

It started in her den, far from the eyes and ears of anyone under a star filled night sky. This night of passion and love between the cheetah and the lion was supposed to be a one time thing, a secret kept in the dark. He was her mortal flaw in her life. A dent in the tough amour of her spirit and pride. She was his fatal sin. A crime against all he stood for to protect the circle of life. They knew they were forbidden to be together and they accepted it after that night.

Just when Fuli, the fastest member in the Lion Guard thought that the secret can safely die, she felt something wrong, something alive inside of her. She wanted the life snuffed out, but Rafiki and his apprentice Makini convinced her to keep the life inside her alive. She knew she could trust them with her secret. She won't let anyone, especially Kion, find out about their mistake.
For the next few weeks, Fuli's teammates noticed that she fought more carefully than usual, preferring to go defensive then offensive. She also took every opportunity to go alone. It was in her nature to want privacy, but her more than very snappy attitude and defensive nature was so unlike her. Bunga, the bravest was the first to note that her belly was getting bigger and accused her of slacking off. That was when Fuli knew, she needed to be away.

She told Kion about leaving for a few months, explaining that she was unwell and needed to be by herself. He respected that decision but begged her to stay near Rafiki's tree in case she felt worse. He asked to visit her but she insisted that he stay away. The next few weeks felt fast and slow at the same time. Fuli wanted nothing more than to be careless and to run fast and meet her friends again but the thought of being a mother terrified her. The two healers assured her that everything will become natural to her, not that it made her feel any better.

They came into the world long after sunset. Fuli hoped that her screams and cries of pain were not heard. Rafiki and Makini did their best to soothe her throughout the process. It was long, painful and exhausting. Many times Fuli cried out "I can't! Make it stop!" Only to be replied with "Yes you can Fuli. They are almost here".
Eventually her cries combined with the soft mews of her newborn cubs. Three daughters. All survived. She expected to hate them and feel nothing but shame.
When she saw them nestling into her side, Fuli could not help but cry tears of joy. All her doubts and fears washed away when she saw her cubs.
"They are beautiful," she said smiling at them.

Makini suddenly looks out through the tree branches. She jumps at the sight of something heading towards them. Fuli flinches when she hears his familiar voice. Kion. "I will talk to him," she tells the mandrills, a growl visible in her voice. She heads out of the tree, leaving the healers to attend to her little secrets.

"Fuli. I'm so glad to see you. It's been too long," her lion friend says, "How are you? Is everything ok? You look exhausted".

"I was sleeping so of course I look tired," Fuli snaps, "I thought I told you not to visit".

Kion's ears flatten against his mane, amber eyes glistening with guilt, "I was worried about you and it's been months since I've seen you".

Fuli smiles, feeling her heart skip a beat. This is why she liked Kion the most. He was always so caring and protective of his teammates. A little cry within the tree snaps her out of her thoughts.

"What was that?" Kion asks, raising a brow as he looks questioningly at the cheetah.

"I didn't hear anything," Fuli replies a little too fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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