What they left behind part 1

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I know it's been ages since I've posted anything on this book but I found this story. I thought it was good and decided to share it. This is only part 1 and I don't think part 2 has been posted yet but I will share it as soon as I find it.

Written by:🦁ℓισикιиgfαи :yellow_heart:
A/N:This fic was a request from Kion and  :feet: Disneyxxlover :feet: . This takes place after His Flame Lily. This is Part one of two.

Summary: Fuli has to face the hard truth of her past.


  It was dark. The sun had sunk below the horizon, and the familiar moon was masked by a thick cloud cover. A weak breeze carried over the tall grasses, bringing about a gentle blur of green as the grass swayed in the wind.

It was very quite. Not a sound pierced the air, as even the gentle breeze had vanished, leaving everything still.

No animals were in sight.

Suddenly, a sharp wail destroyed the silence. The wail carried on, until the voice cracked and trailed off, uncertainly.

The grasses rattled and shook, as a small form leaped out of them. She looked around her, her ears perked as if trying to listen to the slightest sound, anything to alert to her another's presence.

It remained silent. Her green eyes widened in shock and confusion, before she broke into another thin wail.


Fuli woke with a start. Her eyes darted across the cave quickly, her paws ready to strike. Her heart pounded faster than it ever had before. Her breathing quickened when she felt a paw on her shoulder.

"Fuli! Are you okay? You were yelling in your sleep!" It was Kion.

  Fuli cocked her head, and let her gaze travel over the cave she was in. There was the familiar boulders that lined the cave, the vines trailing along the walls, and the bubbling stream that flowed across the cave floor.

She let her breathing even, and her heart stopped pounding. She was home. 

   "I'm fine!", Fuli growled, pushing Kion away.

" But it looked like you were having a nightma-", Kion started, backing away a bit.

   Fuli calmed herself down and took a deep breath. It wasn't Kion's fault. "I'm sorry I snapped. It's just... nothing.", she sighed.

  "Ok.", Kion said warily. "It's time for morning patrol." As he said this, the familiar flapping of Ono's wings brought their attention to the cave entrance.

The white and orange bird quickly alighted on the cave floor, a look of panic in his eyes. "Kion, come quick! Janja and his pack are attacking the zebras!", Ono announced.

   "That's the fifth time this week!", Kion growled, annoyed. He shook his head, and followed Ono out of the cave. The rest of the team followed behind.


   The pounding of hooves thumped in Fuli's ear, as she climbed onto the ridge that overlooked the scene below.

A large herd of zebras were stampeding away from the small group of hyenas that were pursuing them. Janja was in the lead, nipping at the heels of the zebra in front of him.

Kion came up next to Fuli and glared down at the hyenas below. Ono hovered above Kion, and began to report. "The hyenas are chasing the zebras to the Outlands!"

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