Safer Together

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Written by: yingyangmaster

This story takes place after 'The Search for Utamu'

Darkness descended upon the Pridelands as the Sun had sunk below the horizon and the sapphire sky was now replaced with a myriad of stars that dotted across the vast blackness of the night sky. Animals of this vast savanna have all retired into their respective homes and retreated into their peaceful slumber after surviving the entire day in the wild habitat.

Over at Pride Rock, the Royal family of Lions were all curled in their respective corners and were seen to be peacefully dozing away undisturbed, as they recharged themselves to prepare for the day ahead. All of them, except for one. Kion was at his corner of the Lair, tossing and turning on his back and forcing his eyes shut, trying to desperately to fall asleep but his efforts proved to be futile. Finally giving up, he got off his back and stood on his fours and began observing around his home.

He could see his parents cuddling each other in their sleep a few feet in front of him while his sister, Kiara was right next to them on her side, peacefully sleeping away with a noticeable smile on her lips. Kion let out a sigh, envious to see that he was the only one who seemed to be insomniac that particularly night. He decided to head outside, hoping a little walk will wear him out. He stealthily crept past his parents and sister and walked outside towards the pinnacle of Pride Rock, where he eventually had a view of the entire Pridelands, illuminated by the brilliant light of the full moon.

As Kion sat on the Rock and admired the view, he found himself helplessly thinking about a particular friend of his in his mind; Fuli. Just a few hours ago, Kion and the rest of the Lion Guard had very nearly watched Fuli get devoured by Mzingo and the other vultures, had they not intervene and fend off the winged predators from their Cheetah comrade. Though Kion was mildly angered with her for ending up in such a dire situation as a result of going against his advice to not tire herself too much, he found himself consistently worried about her well-being every other minute for the rest of that day.

Now he knew why he just couldn't fall asleep that night; he was still worried about her. From where he was at the top of the Rock, he could see the tall grass of the grazing grounds where Fuli usually sleeps alone, just several yards away from Pride Rock. After debating and pondering with himself on his next course of action, Kion finally decided the only way he was going to put his mind at ease and be able to sleep was to drop by on his Cheetah friend and make sure that she was safe and sound. Not wasting another second, he got up and started making his way towards the grazing grounds.

Using only the moonlight to aid in his navigation, Kion traversed through the tall grass of the grasslands to search for his Cheetah friend. But after several minutes of searching and trekking, he could find not even a whiff of Fuli, not even after trudging through the vast pasture for a second time.

"Fuli? Fuli, are you here?" he whispered as he desperately searched for the young Cheetah cub.

Kion's heart was now pounding rapidly as he was sure that something undesired had happened to his best friend. His animal senses were now on full alert as he began searching the outer edge of the grazing grounds area. Sticking his nose close to the ground, his sharp sense of smell finally picked up a familiar sweet scent that he instantly recognized as Fuli's. Not wasting another second, Kion followed the scent trail, all the while hoping and praying that his Cheetah friend isn't in any danger. The trail lead him away from the grazing grounds and towards the Watering Hole, which was the primary source of water for most of the animals living in the Pridelands. As he approached the embankment surrounding the Watering Hole, he instantly let out a sigh of relief when he saw the silhouette of his Cheetah friend drinking at the water's edge.

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