Treaty of Peace (I wanna Party)

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Written by me, PrincessGG101
Just watched Rio not too long ago and this song reminded me of a concept that I came up with AGES ago. Writing a short story of it for now. If you like the idea and want to see a full story, let me know and I will think about it.

I made the picture especially for this short story. Took a while. Kinda regret using green for was supposed to be inspired by Fuli's eyes but I don't know...Hope you like it.

Lions and cheetahs were never a good mix

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Lions and cheetahs were never a good mix. There was a war that lasted generations between the pride and the coalition which had finally been put to rest not so long ago. However, tension between the two species still needed to settle. Simba, king of his pride of lions and cheetah king Haraka came to an agreement that once a year lions and cheetahs will come together to wish for peace for another year. However, Rafiki a wise mandrill and Majuzi to the pride suggested they do something a little different, after being inspired by a young honey badger's suggestion about bringing the two species together to ease the tension. To Simba and Haraka's surprise, Rafiki demanded they have a party. What better than a party to bring animals together to have fun and celebrate? They reluctantly agreed.

Prince Kiongozi, second born cub of Simba, was a little nervous about being in charge of preparing the party. His sister should be here, not him. Kiara did not want to be Queen and so Kion had to take her place as the future ruler of the Pridelands. The idea of working with the first born cub of Haraka made his stomach churn. He could only assume the cheetah heir would be stuck up and arrogant. At least that was what he was taught to believe from his pride. He had already met a cheetah once when he was very little. His mane was barely a little red tuft on his head when he accidentally stumbled upon the line between his home and the cheetah's territory. A little female cheetah about his age was there, just as curious as he was about the lands beyond their boarder. She was friendly and kind. He didn't remember much of her. Kion shakes his head, trying to focus back onto the present. The first ever Treaty of Peace celebration is being held in the Pridelands and it must be a success. As he arrives at the destination where the party will take place, he was a little surprised to see a cheetah, without a doubt Haraka's heir. He guessed from her slim frame, light yellow fur and her striking brown-black markings on her back and face that she was female. She was exploring her surroundings, perhaps thinking of some ideas for decorations. Taking a deep breath, he approaches the cheetah. She stops exploring and looks at him. She looked tense and her eyes narrow on Kion.

"I'm Prince Kiongozi. Son of-"

The cheetah cuts him off, "Son of King Simba. I'm Princess Fuli, but enough of the formalities. There will be plenty of that at the party don't you think?"

Kion smiles, relieved that she was going to keep things casual, "That's something we can agree on".

Fuli chuckles, "I have a few ideas for the party, but I want to hear yours too, Kion. This party must be a success".

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