Chapter 3:Harry Potter

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When Cece returned to the compartment almost ten minutes later,Andrew was gone.
"Hey"Freya smiled quietly when she saw the blue eyed girl enter the compartment.

Cece nodded at the girl and opened her mouth to speak when Draco appeared at the door almost falling in on top of the fifteen year olds.
"C,he's here! He's on the train!"Draco exclaimed losing his breath slightly as he talked.
"Please, Longbottom is the least of my concerns"Cece said shaking her head at her younger cousin.

"Not Longbottom ,Ha...hold up what's a Longbottom?"The platinum haired boy asked.
"Not important"Ophelia cut in before Cece could answer "Who's on the train Malfoy?"
"Spit it out"Mags snapped after the boy remained silent for a minute.
"Harry Potter!"Draco told them as silence filled the carriage.

"I'm sure he is"Mags snorted after a moment
"He is!"Draco protested
"Did you see him?"Carina questioned her eyebrows raised.


"Draco?"Cece pushed knowing by the eleven year olds demeanour that he hadn't.
"No but Crabbe and Goyle heard from.."Draco tried to defend himself but Cece cut in
"Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't know where their heads were if they weren't screwed on"Cece told him shaking her head

"There's rumours every year that Potter will be here"Freya gave Draco a weak smile in the hope of reassuring him.
"He's right C"Diana Nott said appearing at the door.
"What"Ophelia half laughed.

Diana Nott reminded Cece of her aunt Narcissa in so many ways.She was smart and level headed so when she spoke,she tended to listen.

" No way"Mags shook her head looking at the eldest Nott as if she were crazy.
"Well think about it"Diana sighed looking at the older girls as if they were idiots.
"Baby Harry was one when he defeated you know who,ten years ago!"

"You spend too much time alone"Cece sighed shaking her head at the raven headed young girl.
"Shut up"Diana smiled
"That's why your the first Black in generations to be in Ravenclaw"Draco snarled earning him a wack on the back of the head from Diana.
"And why you're not"
"Well we actually don't kno..."Freya began
"He won't be a Ravenclaw"Diana and Cece laughed together.

"Where's Alex anyways?"Cece asked looking down at Draco in search of the newest Nott to Hogwarts.
"He's with Theo and Pansy"Draco told her.
"You left him alone?"Cece asked raising her eyebrow.
"You left him alone!"Diana panicked and ran off is search fo her younger brother.

"He's not five"Draco sighed.Alexander Nott was quiet and shy,he also had no control over his magic and when angry,scared or panicked he often set fire to things by accident.
"You're useless"Cece scoffed at the boy.
"Look after him"

"I'm going,I'm going"Draco cried getting up and walking towards the door of the compartment as he saw anger bubbling in Cece's eyes and as much as he loved his older cousin she was scary.

"You scared him half to death"Mags snorted after the boy left.
"He'll be fine,besides we're nearly at Hogwarts"Cece brushed off the accusation calmly.
"Is Theo the last of your lot to come?"Ophelia asked Carina randomly changing the subject
"No, Henry,Abeline and Adele will all be here in like seven years and we found out Dad has two more,Everleigh and Alicia ,Alicia is in France so I don't think we'll be seeing her but Everleigh will be here next year"Carina rolled her eyes at the thought of her many half siblings.

Her Father,Castor Nott,Jack's older brother had quite the story.He'd only settled down around three years ago with Charlotte Fawley after her family surprisingly   accepted her back under circumstances Cece never heard and thus didn't understand why a blood traitor was now married to the man who will inherit the Nott fortune but they married had three kids,Henry and the twins Abeline and Adele and did seem to be truly in love.

Before Charlotte however he'd had many women resulting in many love children,nine   that were known,he only fully raised five  of them however,Jacqueline in seventh year, Alphard in sixth year and then Carina and Hildegard in fifth year and Theodore who was now in 1st year

Then Samuel in third year lived with his Mother and Veronica in fourth year spent every second holiday with her Father.

Carina's mother was a young Italian witch when she met Castor,she knew she wouldn't have had the funds to raise her child like Castor would and thus let her go with him but she writes to Carina occasionally.

The girls were about to start gossiping about Carina's new siblings when Oliver Wood appeared at the door.

Oliver Wood was the Gryffindor quidditch captain and only seemed to have one goal in life.To drive Cece mad.

"Ladies"Oliver grinned causing all of the girls except Mags and Cece to blush profusely,though Cece would never admit it out loud,Oliver's Scottish accent was extremely attractive.

"I look forward to destroying you on the pitch this year"Oliver smirked
"Challenge accepted"Cece tilted her head allowing a loose raven curl to escape her ponytail.
"Not annoying Lestrange again are you Wood?"George Weasley asked appearing on Wood's right.
"We don't think you're her type"Fred Weasley stated appearing on Wood's left.

"You got that right!"Carina cried remembering the long nights she'd spent with Cece criticising the boy in front of them.
"That's disgusting"Cece and Oliver exclaimed both making faces.

"We're here boys!"Katie Bell's calming voice filled the corridor.
"Thank Merlin"Ophelia sighed,happy to be leaving the conversation.

"You're looking wonderful today Miss Fawley"Fred appeared behind the quiet girls shoulder as she walked towards the train's exit.
"I always look wonderful Weasley"Freya snapped at the third year as she took Mags's extended hand to step down from the train, a whisp of her honey hair flaying in the wind inform of the flabbergasted ginger.

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