Chapter 10: The bet

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"That tosser has me stuck in detention for the equivalent of years"
"It can't be that bad C"

"Freya are you not listening?" Cece turned to face the brunette as they made their way back to the Slytherin common room that evening.
"I am, just ignore Wood, he's a pain, a beautiful pain, but a pain none the less"

"UGH" Cece stopped on the stairs. " that's it right there!" She pointed excitedly at Freya. " Everyone thinks he's so handsome we'll let me tell you
His desperately attractive accent
Or swoon worthy talent on the quidditch pitch
Or snogable lips
Or dreamy eyes
Or toned face
Do not make him handsome"

And with that, the Lestrange girl stormed off in the wrong direction, leaving Freya shaking her head in laughter at the girls obliviousness

Oliver Wood could not believe his luck, not only was he cleaning out the supply cupboards with Cecile Lestrange, he now has the pleasure of her company until Christmas for detention with Snape, when was he ever going to get some Quidditch practice in?

As he contemplated his schedule as well as those of the current Gryffindor quidditch team, which was minus a seeker, in charms class, he was praying to Merlin for a miracle.

"May I have Wood please Professor?" Professor McGonagall's tall frame appeared in the door of Professor Flitwick's fifth year charms. He nodded towards Wood, granting him permission to leave and follow his head of house.

"Wood I have found you a seeker" Professor McGonagall announced to the boy who practically jumped with excitement.
He looked towards the first year in front of him. It was Harry Potter. He was all anyone could talk about at the moment. The boy looked nervous and confused.

"Brilliant Professor!" Wood exclaimed practically hugging both Professor McGonagall and Harry on the spot.


After telling his team the good news, Oliver was blissfully walking down the corridor when he ran into Carina and Hildegard Nott.

Carina was a tall, slim girl with tanned skin and wavy brown hair, in comparison to her sister of a similar age who had a pale complexion and deep raven hair. Hildegard was the Gryffindor to Carina's Slytherin and the pair of them could always be found together.

"Looking good Wood" Hildegard teased at the grin on Oliver's face. Oliver had hooked up with Hildegard a few times after parties when neither of them had been sober but their was nothing more to it then that and they both knew it. It just gave them both the opportunity to wind eachother up.

"Are you saying I don't always look good eh Nott?"

"I didn't say that" Hildegard winked
"Just not good enough for us" Carina gave Oliver an eye that made Hildegard laugh.
"Our Ollie could have any girl he wanted" Fred Weasley sighed sauntering up behind Oliver as George placed an arm around Oliver's shoulder.

"Could he now hmm?" Carina challenged. Her eyebrows were raised at the twins showing her interest. She was never one to back away from a challenge and any chance to show up the Gryffindors.

"How about this Weasley, if Wood can pull my good friend Cece before Christmas, then I'll hook up with you in a broom closet."

"Not a chance" Oliver huffed "She's impossible"
"So you're not up to it?" Hildegard asked, innocently batting her eyelids.
"He's in" Fred exclaimed
"No I'm not"
"Yes Oliver, you are" George stated "Or we'll tell Professor McGonagall about that time in the changing room, you and Beatrice were.."
"Ok fine. I'm in."

Beatrice Haywood was a fourth year Hufflepuff who Oliver had grown close to last year and had been caught in a compromising position with by his beaters and chaser, Angelina Johnson.

While he didn't really care if McGonagall found out, it would only add to his detentions, he didn't want it to get out for Beatrice's sake, her reputation mattered more than a stupid bet.

So now he had the delightful task of capturing the heart of his most favourite person Cecile Lestrange. Merlin help him.

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