Chapter 7: Estella

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"Mama,Mama!"Magenta Nott rushed into the Nott sitting room closely followed by Orion.
"Letters from Hogwarts!"Orion handed the six letters to his mother who sat with a book in her lap.

Estella Nott was now thirty two.Her brown hair still curled at the ends,her eyes still sparkled with childish curiosity and her smile was still gentle however underneath the easily placed mask she his a deeply troubled internal battle.Estella had been very sheltered from the first wizarding war,she played no part,took no side and was kept well out of harm's way but a lot had happened that had deeply affected her life.

James and Lily Potter had died,two people she cared for so much.She'd met their son,Harry, once just before they went into hiding.She missed them dearly.

Her sister,Bellatrix had been imprisoned for the torture of the Longbottoms.Estella never knew the couple in school apart from sharing a few classes but they had changed her life.For starters Cece was now living with them and while Cece hoped that the young girl would stay away from the dark arts that her mother had practiced at a young age she had no clue where the girls future plans were.

"Alex's a Slytherin"Estella smiled down at her youngest two children as she read through the letter from Diana.

Diana sent a letter every Thursday without fail.Cece and Phoebe sent one at least once a month,Violet sent one when she was in trouble or when she needed something and Ursula never wrote.

"Will I be a Slytherin Mama?"Magenta looked up at her mother.
"I don't know Maggie"
The six year old pulled herself onto the couch beside her mother and brother to peer into Cece's letter as Estella peeled it open.

"Cece's got a detention"Estella laughed.The girl had a greater detention record then Marlene McKinnon.
"What's a detention mum?"Orion asked
"Something you don't want"Estella ruffled the boys brunette hair,the only feature she shared with the boy who was her husband's lookalike in every possible way.The Nott genes were very strong so the only child that seemed to resemble Estella was Phoebe who had the curly brunette hair and the thoughtful brown eyes.

"Ell?"Jack Nott's voice called down the hall
"In here"

"Hello munchkins"Jack appeared around the corner ,hugged his son and scooped the excited six year old Magenta up.
"Hey"Estella smiled lovingly as she watched the interaction.
"Ella"Jack placed a soft kiss on her forehead as he sat in beside her,placing Magenta beside him.

"Cece and Di wrote"Orion smiled signalling to the paper in his mother's hand.
"Everything's going well"Estella handed the letters to Jack.She stood up beside him and only then did he see the rim of tears in her eyes.
"Harry Potter"she whispered and walked out of the room.


Sorry for the wait for the update things are hectic here!!
Maria x

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