Chapter 4:The sorting ceremony

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After five years at Hogwarts,Cece no longer felt enthralled by the sorting hat,which was now perched on a stool in front of the whole school as the first years go excited to find out which house they'd be in.

Through the bustling first years entering the hall she could see Draco's platinum hair sticking out.
"I can't believe how big they're getting"Carina cooed as she watched her little brother interact with the rest of the first years.
"Your sentimental"Cece scoffed not fully understanding the girls need for so many emotions.
"Your not?"Ophelia asked looking at Pansy.

"Of course not,my aunt pops them in here like biscuits, I've seen enough cousins here then I ever needed to"Cece half laughed.
"C!"Freya collapsed laughing at the girls blunt statement.
"She's right"Mags nodded as the girls all stared at her.
"Not about the Estella part!, about the sentimental part,there's no need to get so worked up about them growing up,we all do"

"When did you get so Philosophical"Freya teased earning her a playful elbow to her side from Mags.
As Carina and Ophelia burst out laughing while Mags and Cece shared a look and shook their heads vigorously.

Cece  was close with all her friends in different ways,she probably got along best with Mags,the girl was always on the same page as her about everything which made her easy to have a conversation with however Carina was easily her best friend,she'd know her since they were babies,they were family.Freya had this charm that pulled anyone towards her,she was kind and caring but she scared people halfway to the moon just as easily and Ophelia was cautious and thoughtful in a way that always proved helpful.

Cece tuned back into the sorting cermony just in time to watch the sorting hat barely touch Draco's hat before yelling "SLYTHERIN"
Cece met the blonde boy's eye and gave a nod of approval before turning her eyes to Alexander Nott as the timid and terribly shy brunette walked up to sit on the stool.

The hat began mumbling terribly while Cece couldn't fully make out what it was saying she was catching words such as "Hufflepuff" and "no" and finally she heard the word "Slytherin"

The hat had said it so quietly and fearfully that if gave Cece a shock and Alexander was gone as white as a sheet,whatever had been said the boy was in shock,he couldn't lift his head as he walked slowly over to the Slytherin table with eyes watching his every move.

"Congrats Alex,welcome to the never ending bag of Slytherin Blacks" Ursula Nott patted her younger brothers shoulder who still looked shellshocked as his four older sisters and cousins crowded around him.Diana was a Ravenclaw and Phoebe a Hufflepuff

"You would've been a good Hufflepuff "Phoebe joked noticing the nervous look etched over her brother's face.
Phoebe Nott was the fourth child and by far the most compassionate.Alexander turned to look at her,there was barely a year between them and they were terribly close,he whispered something that Cece couldn't catch and Phoebe nodded and smiled sympathetically.
"Well you always were a dark horse Alex, Mum and Dad will be happy"Violet grinned as she ruffled Alex's sandy hair clearly unaware of his discomfort.

While Cece would never say it out loud Violet was definitely her favourite.She gave Alex the same nod she'd given to Draco and squeezed his shoulder lovingly before returning to her seat.Alexander was the first baby of Estella's that's she really remembered being born,he was the quietest baby ever,he slept the entire night and never cried ever.Orion was similar but Magenta tore the house down with her cries.

"I was so sure he was a Hufflepuff,he's basically Phoebe!"Freya exclaimed "He doesn't look happy"

"He's not"

"He's not?"Ophelia questioned
"I think he thought he'd be with Phoebe too,they're terribly close,it killed him when she was away last year,Aunt Esti said he basically didn't move"Cece sighed.She felt bad for Alex but there was no changing it now so he was just going  to have to move on.

"Theo"Carina hissed "Go rescue Alex from his sisters"Carina was well aware that Alex could excuse himself from the four teenagers that were still towering over the boy who was as white as a sheet but she felt that this would give him a chance to meet his new classmates.
"You're too good to him"Cece smiled
"He's my cousin too you know!"Carina tutted wrapping an arm around Cece's shoulder "and he needs us"

Cece didn't fully understand what Carina had meant by that. Alex was eleven. Just as she had been when she entered Hogwarts. He should be able to look after himself and he most definitely should not be 'needing them'. Regardless she nodded slowly and finished up her food.

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