Chapter 11: Andrew Fawley

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For as long as she could remember, Cece had been bethroed to Andrew Fawley, a tall slender sixth year and the older brother of Freya.

And so when Cece had arrived in Hogwarts, Andrew had began taking her for walks once a week, to try and get along. Last year, the walks had been more about sticking his tongue down Cece's throat then actually talking to her, not that she minded really, the less he talked, the better.

So when the soft tap on her door snapped her from her thoughts as she tamed her curls, she assumed it was her husband to be.
"One second" she called as Ophelia emerged from their shared bathroom. Carina,Freya and Mags were gone to the Owlery to send letters to home so the pair were enjoying the peace.
"Who is it?" Ophelia mumbled as she climbed into her bed and flung the duvet over her head.

"Andrew, I think, we haven't walked yet this week." Cece sighed standing up to walk towards the door.

Ophelia grumbled something in response but Cece didn't hear she was too shocked to speak. She opened her door to Oliver Wood, with a bouquet of deep red roses.

" Ol.. Wood?" Cece was flabbergasted. She hadn't a clue what to say as the Scotsman stood infront of her, bouquet outstretched. She heard Ophelia pull the duvet off and fix her hair.

"Afternoon Cecile, I just said I'd drop off these roses for you, they're said to symbolise beauty according to Madame Locke in the florist and I couldn't help but think of you when I saw them" Oliver carefully placed the roses in Cece's arms despite her clearly open mouth and look of shock. He had expected to rattle her a little bit but not as much as he had.

He heard an audible gasp from within the dorm and noticed Ophelia Parkinson's head whipping out from behind her four poster bed.
"Hello Ophelia" he grinned cheekily
"Hello Oliver" Ophelia's smile was weak and shy, as if she were afraid of him though Oliver couldn't understand why.

"What are you playing at?" Cece snapped suddenly "Are these poisoned huh? Figure if you knock me out for the first game you'll have a better chance do you? Get lost Wood"

And with that Cece slammed the dorm door in Oliver's face, firing majority of the roses back at him, she wanted to keep a few, only to show the stupidity of them to Mags, Carina and Freya later of course.


It was Oliver's turn to be shocked as he looked at the plain Oak door in front of him reading .

Fifth year girls :
Freya Fawley
Cecile Lestrange
Ophelia Parkinson
Carina Nott
Magnolia Greengrass

He knew Cece was going to be a hard catch so he wasn't sure why he was so shocked at her reaction,still he had to admit his ego was slightly bruised but he was sure it would recover in no time and certainly before his quidditch lesson with Potter this evening.


Cece was slightly dumbfounded as Ophelia laughed at her expense.
"You should've seen the look on his face when you closed that door Cease" Ophelia managed through fits of laughter.

"He's such a prick, he's trying to psych me out before the match next week." Cece was livid. Wood was trying to get into her head? Well two can play that game.

A knock at the door stopped Ophelia from retorting that maybe Wood liked her and setting her friend through the roof altogether.
"I'll get it." Ophelia jumped out of her bed.

"Hello Andrew" she welcomed fondly as she opened the door to the tall sandy haired boy.
"Afternoon Ophelia, is Cecile here?" His pleasantries were an act. Ophelia knew that better than most having spent majority of her childhood in Fawley Manor. Andrew didn't care for Cece, not that Cece cared for him either, but Cece, despite her faults had a better ability to conceal her opinions. It was a pureblood woman's most valuable trait, to keep quiet and agree.

"Yes I'm here, I'll see you later Fi" Cece nodded gently to Ophelia as she followed Andrew out of the dorm.

"Care to explain why youve been spending time with Flint?" Andrew snapped almost instantaneously as Ophelia shut the door.
"He's my quidditch captain." Cece stated matter of factly, he was also moving faster in the area of marrying Cece and securing her line was all that mattered to her.

"Well then, I don't believe you need to be conversing with him at any other stage than on the quidditch pitch"

Cece didn't have to follow Andrew's rules, she wasn't married to him after all, but she knew that for her safety and sanity, it was better to nod and agree.

"If you wish"
"I do." Andrew was stern with her. He always had been but she'd never seen him like this.
She chose not to reply further, simply nodding to show her agreement.

"Now, that's sorted" Andrew began, lacing his fingers through Cece's, scaring her slightly, " I want to discuss something with you"

"Yes?" Cece started walking out of the dungeons, Andrew in tow, wishing he would stop talking for five minutes.
"We are to be wed yes?" Andrew asked. It was a loaded question and Cece's answer had to satisfy what Andrew wished to hear.

"Yes of course" she smiled her best reserved smile, hoping to appear the epitome of grace and pleasantries.

Andrew nodded swiftly "well then, what is the hold up huh?"

"I'm not even sixteen yet you daft broom" Cece laughed "I have an education to finish here first."

"You're aunt, she didn't finish her time here and look at her, a home full of children to carry on her husbands name, that is what i expect of you, i won't let the Fawley name die out" Andrew was looking down at her as he always did, his tone making her feel smaller than his height did.

Cece wanted to be careful. She wasn't afraid of Andrew necessarily, but she also didn't want to be on his bad side.
"I will give you as many children as you wish, but not before I am seventeen" Cece caressed his hand gently and spoke softly and sweetly. She knew that once she turned sixteen it was socially acceptable in pureblood society to be wed and have children but she was nowhere near ready for that. She'd barely lived.

Andrew seemed to take in her words slowly as if he was analysing any of them for cheek or deception.

"I accept that" he said finally "however we must marry soon"

Cece almost stopped in her tracks. She wished she could ask how soon was soon but she knew the dangers that could lead to.

"I would like to complete my OWL's before marriage" Cece sighed, her back was now to Andrew. She needed this to go well.

"Very well" he released Cece's hand, grabbed her waist and pulled her in so that she was pressed against him. "This summer suit you?"

"Have you spoke to Jack?" Cece wasnt used to being pressed up this close to Andrew with her eyes open.
"I will" he growled lowly before closing the gap between them and placing his lips on hers. She kissed him back, glad for a move in the conversation.

Leaving them to be found by an unsuspecting first year Ravenclaw who got lost on their way to potions.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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