Chapter 6: Potions

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Cece loved potions.More than anything. It was easy and it was taught by a friend of her uncle's,Professor Snape however Estella hated the man for a reason unbeknownst to the girl and told her to always keep him at arms length.

"Cece!"Freya greeted as soon as the girl took her spot beside the raven head in the dungeons.The pair had met here,in these exact seats in first year.Some older Slytherin boys had been taunting her about her weak magical ability and they told her that she probably wasn't a pureblood at all.Cece had sent a spell at them scaring them up the corridor,Cece helped Freya up and offered to be her partner.They'd been friends ever since.

"Hey Frey"Cece offered a soft smile as she set up her books.
"Potions is a fine art"Professor Snape dramatically appeared from behind the  double doors leading into the dungeons.
"This year you will be completing you O.W.L's and I expect a high standard from all
of you"his dark eyes scanned the crowd of fifth year Slytherin and Gryffindor students.
"I will be assigning you new partners for your next project"Snape's drawl shocked Cece,she'd never sat in a potions lesson without Freya as her partner.She looked over at Freya who had the same shocked expression on her face.

"Listen"Snape pulled out a roll of parchment and began reading names
"Fawley and Weasley"

Freya looked as if she wanted to breakdown as she looked at the redheaded prefect who she definitely saw enough in their patrols.Percy looked back at her in equal shock,the brunette seemed like she had an inability to do anything but look angelic with her deep hazel eyes and chestnut hair ,she was a picture of beauty but Percy saw past that to worry about the grade he would get if all she could do was twist her hair around her finger.

"Nott and Flint"
Carina looked as if she'd be sick as she separated from Ophelia to walk towards Marcus Flint who smirked at her,running his eyes all over her.

"Parkinson and Greengrass"
Mags and Ophelia smiled gladly as they sat beside eachother.

"Lestrange and Wood"
Cece tuned out after that.She looked at Wood in disgust,he seemed to be in a state of shock as he gathered his things and walked to Freya's vacant stool.


"Professor,you must be joking"Cece half spluttered.Snape turned to look at her,his eyes cutting through her like a knife.
"Is there a problem Miss.Lestrange"He turned to face the young girl.

"Professor your out of your mind if you think this partnership is going to work"Oliver exclaimed

"Are you Miss.Lestrange?"
"No sir"

Snape turned his attention back to the curly haired girl in front of him.She demanded fear from him.Merlin knows she got it from everyone else but this girl had been raised by Estella and Jack Nott how bad could she be?

"I won't work with ...that"Cece looked Oliver up and down as if he were the dirt on the bottom of her shoe.
"And I won't work with that"Oliver added folding his arms dramatically.

"Well then"Snape glided to the front of the classroom "Not only will you two be partnered together for the rest of the year,you will be cleaning the presses for the next four weeks as detention"

"Professor.."Cece began
"Miss Lestrange I would advise that you keep your mouth shut unless you wish to add to your punishment"Snape snapped.

Cece sat quietly for the rest of the class while Oliver sulked in the stool he had placed as far away from her as possible in the confined space they shared.

"They do not look happy"Freya laughed turning to face the red head beside her.
"No"Percy stated glancing at the pair "No they do not"

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