Chapter 8: Quidditch

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Cece loved quidditch.It was her escape from reality.She had been selected as a chaser again this year,thank Merlin.She'd hoped to be offered captain but it went to Marcus Flint,who disgusted her in every possible way,but he was also high in her 'prospective future husbands' list so she had to tolerate him.

"Right,this year we are training harder than ever before,I want to win"Marcus's speech was horrific and in no ways inspiring.Last years captain,Camilla,was always able to get the team in a good mood pre game.

Cece mounted her broom and looked around at her teammates.
She was the only female chaser,stood in between Flint and Montague.
Miles Bletchley was their keeper,a boy she had very few dealings with over her time at Hogwarts.
Terrence Higgs was their seeker,a quiet young boy who said very little and had only gotten the position because no one else tried out for the role, finally their beaters were Mags, and Adrian Pucey,who had tried out for chaser but was given the role of a beater.

The sun set as the team sailed around the pitch.For a group of people who didn't know eachother and didn't particularly like eachother they weren't playing too bad.

"Right that's it for this evening"Marcus clapped and the team demounted their brooms.
"We're back here at 5 every Tuesday and Thursday"

Flint disappeared off the pitch towards the locker room followed by the rest of the team.Cece was at the end hoping to catch up with Mags when she heard

"Oi Lestrange" a Scottish drawl alerted her attention.
"Wood" Cece turned around to come face to face with Oliver Wood.
"You weren't playing too bad"he smirked at her.

He was hardly complimenting her.There had to be a catch.

"Just not good enough to beat Gryffindor of course"

And there it was.

"We'll see about that Wood" she hadn't noticed how close they were until she looked up at the boy.He was towering over her, as he always did with his 6'2 to her 5'6, and she could feel his warm breath on the top of her head,and it sent goosebumps all over her body.

"Not trying to do my chaser I hope"Marcus Flint walked up behind breaking the stare of curiosity between the Slytherin chaser and Gryffindor keeper.

"No Flint"Oliver laughed

Cece Lestrange was gorgeous of course,he wasn't blind, she had black curls that cascded to her hips, she had legs that only made you wonder where they went and deep brown eyes that you could get lost in.
But she was Cecile and he'd been teasing her for years.

"She'd be too much of a chase for a keeper like me Flint, Cecile" Oliver nodded to the Slytherins, throwing a cheeky wink at Cece and started a path back to the castle.

Marcus turned to Cece,silently he looked her up and down, she felt goosebumps on her skin again and decided she much preferred the goosebumps Oliver's stares gave her then the domineering stare of Marcus Flint.

"Cecile,if all goes well in the next year we will be man and wife and if that is to happen, that" he motioned to Oliver's back "must be gotten rid of" Marcus declared before following Oliver's path back to the castle.

Was flint gone in the head? He must be joking if he thought she'd touch Oliver wood with a ten foot pole.

Cece disappeared into the locker room blissfully unaware of the pair of eyes locked on her from their spots on the walk back to the castle.

Thanks for Reading
Maria x

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