Chapter 9: I hate you

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"Am not"
"Are too"
"We'll atleast I don't look like a dead tree"
"Leave my hair out of it!"

The current argument between Violet and Diana Nott could be heard throughout the great hall.
Violet had dyed Diana's normally curly black hair to have grey streaks floating through it.

Diana, despite being one of the brightest witches Cece knew, was unable to counteract the curse.
"Settle you two"Freya scowled at the two sisters as she passed by on her prefect duties with Percy Weasley.
"She's dyed my hair Freya"Diana exclaimed.

"It's an impressive spell"Percy examined Diana's head with extreme curiosity.
"Shut it you"Freya pushed him out of the way and grabbed her wand flicking it over Diana's head fluently. Violet ( and Percy) watched in amazement as the grey streaks slowly disappeared out of Diana's hair.

"Thank you Freya"Diana looked at Violet with disgust before stalking back to the Ravenclaw Table.

Freya continued her rounds with Percy following behind her looking like a berated puppy as she passed by the Slytherin table again Carina grabbed her arm.
"You're cruel" Carina was close to laughing at the sight of the red haired boy practically being led around by the normally quiet Freya Fawley.

Freya looked back at Percy who was speaking to a young boy at the Hufflepuff table.
"I am not, he's simply an idiot" Freya shook her head at Carina's accusation and left on her rounds.

"So when's the first match ladies?" Carina asked turning her attention to Mags and Cece.
"I'm not sure"Cece sighed "Flint would need to be able to see out of his own arse"
"Woah woah woah, trouble in paradise already?"Ophelia laughed
"Shut up"Cece attempted to fire her spoon at Ophelia, missing terribly.
"So when did you get into quidditch?"Oliver asked Cece as the pair worked on their anti-paralysis potion.

"Excuse me"Cece raised an eyebrow at the boy turning away from the potions cauldron.

"Just trying to make small talk"Oliver stuck up his hands in defence, his Scottish accent getting thicker as he spoke.

Cece shook her head and continued stirring the mixture in front of them.The boy was driving her insane as he towered over her making her feel like an ant.

"I think you're doing it..."
A cloud of black goop hit Cece's face.
"wrong" Oliver finished off  attempting to conceal the smile on his face at the state of his ridiculous partner.

"Wood,Lestrange" Snape barked across the dungeon "Is this how we behave in fifth year potions?"
Cece payed no attention to the Professor as she grabbed the towel in Oliver's outstretched hand and cleaned down her face with it.
"Detention for you both" Snape drawled "Until Christmas"

"Sir,"Cece began

"5 on Wednesday and Friday, Class dismissed"
Snape waved his hand in dismissal to Cece and the rest of the class.

"I hate you"
"Not as much as I hate you"

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