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(Spyro pov)

Me and cynder were walking across the land curious as to what we should do today.

Spyro: So Cynder what shall we do today?

Cynder: well...... If I'm correct their is a pretty city not to far away and it might still be intact so I would like to go their.

Spyro: since when did go exploring and go to this city?

Cynder stopped walking and looked away from me. With a bit of water in her eyes.

Cynder: back when I was evil.

Spyro: hey, it was never your fault he made you evil and corrupt.

Cynder: I know but I can't help but feel responsible for some of the life I took everyone I hurt especially you and yet you treat me as a friend.

Spyro: well like I said it was all malfores fault and I can relate. To the feeling of hurting others I care about.

Cynder: when.

Spyro: on that night, When..... (Sigh) never mind.

Cynder: on that night you went dark. And evil when you defeated Gaul the Ape King.

I started to worry about my dark side putting her in peril, my dream that I had last night started to come back to my mind.

Spyro: yeah that. Cynder can I ask you a question, well it's not a question ist

Cynder: sure.

Spyro: if I was ever to go Dark again and you weren't able to save me. I would want you to stay as far away from me as possible or even end me if I can't be turned back.

Cynder: Spyro I could never.

Spyro: please I just need you to promise me that you will at least stay away from me.

Cynder: I.....I promise.

Spyro: (sigh) thank you

She didn't say a word I begin to worry that I may have scared her a little. I felt regret shouting at her.

Spyro: S.....should we head to that city.

Cynder nodded in response together we flew off the ground and I followed Cynder to the city.

I stayed behind her while flying we didn't talk Or look at each other I felt like a idiot for the way I spoke to her.

Spyro: Cynder?

She didn't reply she didn't even look at me. So I called again.

Spyro: Cynder?

Again she didn't reply so I flew next to her.

Spyro: Cynder? Are you ok?

Cynder: I'm fine Spyro, just (sigh) I don't know how to describe it. Why were you so serious about your Dark side hurting me, I've seen you serious before but that was a worried serious.

Spyro: I don't want to talk about it right now.

Cynder: fine but you are going to have to tell me at some point.

Spyro: don't worry Cynder I will.

(Time skip)

Cynder: finally we are here.

We landed in front of the gates where we're horrified by the site of two guards ripped to shreds.

I had almost threw up. While Cynder couldn't stop starting she was so horrified.

Cynder: I have done horrible thing when I was evil but who would ever do this.

Spyro: let's go inside to see if everyone in the city is ok.

Cynder: agreed.

The gate was already open, me and Cynder walked through trying to see if anyone was still alive. But the only thing we could see was gore around the city.

(Cynder pov)

Blood was sprayed around the streets shops and building ablaze. Cracked and unsteady houses Sat everywhere.

Spyro: This definitely wasn't caused by the end of the world dilemma.

Cynder: If that's the case who or what did this.

We walked into one of the broken buildings and I saw a burnt stuffed toy in the hands of a small infant buried under the rubble. I picked up the burnt toy and cried a little at the sight of it knowing that that little infant never got to experience life and all it's wonders how scared it must of been.

Spyro: one here is still alive.

Cynder: Come on we have to keep looking.

Me and Spyro walked out of the house and continued going through the city. I saw something that caught my attention. A spike in the wall. In fact multiple spikes everywhere. I pulled it out of the ground and investigated it.

Spyro: Cynder what's that.

Cynder: I spike of some sort, it may have belonged to the killer.

Spyro: well if that the case then I think I know some Dragons, a DragonFly and a certain cheetah that can help us with that.

Cynder: what makes you think they would know

Spyro: it's worth a shot.

Cynder: ok then lets go.

Spyro X Cynder A Legendary love storyWhere stories live. Discover now