The Truth.

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After she heard those words her eyes widened her heart begin to beat faster. Cynder shook her head in disbelief

Cynder: No, no that can't be true.

She slowly backed up and then ran off to the far side of the sanctuary.

Spyro: Cynder wait!

Spyro was about to run after Cynder wanting to help her but Hunter stopped him.

Hunter: Spyro stop! She needs time.

Spyro still wanted to help but after some struggling Spyro finally agreed.
Hunter released him and Spyro walked away mad and confused by all this new information.

(Later that night)
(Cynder pov)

I walked around in a black void with nothing around but Darkness
But then I saw Spyro I got super excited but when I got to him I was horrified.

He had Holes in his wings a bandage around his arm some of his skin was bleached and one of his eyes was missing he was holding the helmet he had on when we faced of against

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He had Holes in his wings a bandage around his arm some of his skin was bleached and one of his eyes was missing he was holding the helmet he had on when we faced of against

Cynder: S-Spyro w....who did this to you?

Spyro: You Cynder. You did this to me. You sided with Hatos and killed everyone you did this.

Cynder: No! I would never!

Spyro Faded away.

And then all of a sudden I was in a land filled with sand. The sun was bright and everything was hot. I walked over sand dune and saw Spyro again but his time he wasn't moving. He was just laying their in the sand.

I flew down to him but cried a soon as I saw why he wasn't moving.

I flew down to him but cried a soon as I saw why he wasn't moving

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Tears filled my face as I held him in my arms.

Cynder: No, No Spyro please! Please don't be gone.

Spyro was covered in blood with scratch marks and bite marks all over his body.

As I was crying someone came to me and rested his claw on my shoulder and laughed.

"Good Job Cynder, it took two of us to finally kill him but we did it."

Spyro X Cynder A Legendary love storyWhere stories live. Discover now