First Encounter

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(No one's pov)

Hatos had finished his journey to WarFang. It was difficult since the world had changed but it was still in the same area luckily.
He flew around taking a good look at WarFang.

Hatos: (snarls) well it has changed quite a bit since I last saw it.

Hatos saw the damage that had been done to the city most likely caused by the golems. He thought to himself. He was familiar with how destructive they are.

Hatos decided to make his entrench he tucked in his wings and zoomed down to the ground, when he made contact with the ground. A cloud of smoke erupted around him. The citizens of WarFang stopped what they were doing and looked at the cloud of smoke.

Hatos's silhouette emerged from the cloud of smoke. He walked around everyone stepping back in fear.

Hatos: Now, I will say this once (snarls) where is Spyro and Cynder. If I don't get any others I will start killing.

Nobody said a word. Which is what Hatos was expecting.
He walked around looking for someone to end. From the crowd I saw a little girl holding her mothers hand Hatos grabbed her by the neck and raised her up. I dug my razor sharp claws into her tearing through her rips and then pulling out her heart.

The mother looked in horror as she fell to her knees crying. Hatos dropped the dead daughter and laughed sinisterly. One of the citizens
Ran away from the murder. And went as fast as he could to the sanctuary.

Once he got to the sanctuary He looked around to make sure he wasn't followed by that monster.
The mole hammer his fist against the door knocking as fast as he could.

One of the Guardians opened the massive gate and saw the little mole.

Terrador: hi, What can I do for you.

Mole: please... Help us... Their is a dragon killing innocent people and he is demanding Spyro and Cynder.

Terrador: all no, he is already here.

Cyril, Volteer, hunter, Sparks, Spyro and Cynder walked to the gate out of curiosity.

Cyril: whats going on here?

Terrador: it's Hatos... He is here, he wants Spyro and Cynder.

Cyril: their is no doubt that he is killing as well.

Volteer: we should face Hatos and try to end him once and for all.

Cyril: no! Who knows how strong he might be now. And he is most likely an Adult dragon now.

Terrador: Cyril is right. When Cynder was corrupt and evil she was able to capture every single one of us and Hatos and Hatos would definitely Kill us.

Spyro: Guardians Hatos wants me and Cynder, so unless Cynder wants to come. I'll go.

Terrador: you can't. You don't have your full power yet!

Cyril: he is right. You and Cynder will stay here.

The mole looked at the Guardians in terror and disgust.

Mole: so you are going to let us die then, after everything we have done for you.

Volteer: we are truly sorry, but their is no other option. Try to gather as much people as you can and bring them here.

While everyone was arguing over the situation Spyro grabbed Cynder's paw and pulled her to a corner.

Spyro: I know that they said no, but I'm Going Cynder, are you with me?

Spyro X Cynder A Legendary love storyWhere stories live. Discover now