𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 / 8

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"Stay still. I won't hurt you"

The man in front of me had a menacing smile on his face.

It was dark around me. But he was standing under a spotlight that illuminated his ugly features.

"S-Storm! Rowan!" I screamed out and started to squirm around in my seat. My arms were tied to my sides with rope and my legs were strapped to the chair that he had me sitting in.

"They aren't going to save you this time Oliver" The smile on the mans face turned to a sadistic smirk as I watched him reach out to touch my face.

I quickly jerked my head away.

"Let me go!" I screamed before spitting in his face which caused me to get slapped.

"I want Storm and Rowan!" I screamed at the man. "Let me see Storm see them!"

Before I knew it a light came on in the back of the room and there stood Storm. He was holding hands with Rowan.

"S-Storm! R-Rowan!" I cried out. I started wiggle around and scream at the top of my lungs.

"Why aren't you doing anything!?"

"Come help me!"

My screams soon turned to sobs.

"P-Please. Let me go"

"I wanna leave!"

I heard a loud noise in the distance where Storm and Rowan were standing. I snapped my head in that direction and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

They both dropped to the ground. Their now lifeless body's laying in a puddle of their blood.

The man whispered in my ear as he stood behind me with a gun aiming to where they were.

"I told you they weren't going to save you"

He let out a sinister chuckle before I heard the gun cock and felt a bullet being lodged into my back.


My eyes snapped opened and I sat up quickly.

It was just a nightmare Ollie. Calm down. I told myself.

Rowan and Storm were nowhere to be found signaling that they had woken up before me.

I took them being gone as an opportunity to let out my emotions.

My knees were pressed against my chest as I sobbed into them. This wasn't the first time I've had a nightmare like that.

I had one similar when I first started dating Storm. Just in that one...

He was the one torturing me...

Storm was the one that killed me.

I know it was just a nightmare but it all felt so real. I never even told him about it.

I didn't want him to worry about me.

Once I had gotten my crying under control I decided to go try and find Storm and Rowan.

Just as I had expected they were in the kitchen.

However I didn't expect the food fight they were having. I had to hold in a giggle once I saw Rowan throw a cupcake at Storm and it hit him right in the forehead.

"Oh it's on" Storm challenged as his lips formed a smirk.

Storm rushed over to him and started to tickle him like crazy. That was when I actually started to giggle. Storm looked up and smiled.

"Hey love!" He said cheerfully. I waved at him and felt my cheeks heating up. He still had a crazy effect that made me nervous and shy from time to time.

Rowan managed to break away from Storms grip and run behind me. "I have two hands. I can tickle both of you" Storm threatened playfully.

A quiet squeal erupted from Rowan followed by him pulling me to the living room. I giggled as he pulled me to sit down on the couch like nothing happened.

Storm soon came in and sat next to us with a smile on his face.

I tilted my head to question the smile on his face.

"Nothing.. Just happy that I have the two of you" His smile grew and both mine and Rowan's faces.

I was truly happy that I had them too.

But somewhere in the back of my mind I was scared I would lose them.

Just like in my nightmare.


𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 // 𝑩𝒙𝑩𝒙𝑩 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now