𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 / 3

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"Ro. Wake up" I heard whispered to me as a hand rubbed my back. I knew it wasn't my mom because the voice sounded like a guy and my dad never calls me Ro.

Were Storm and Oliver still here?

I slowly opened my eyes only to quickly close them back when I looked towards my window. It looked like the sun was starting to set but it was really bright. "Ah! Sorry!" I heard the curtains closing before I opened my eyes again.

Oliver was sitting on the end of my bed and Storm was coming back from closing the curtains. "Did you have a nice nap?" Storm asked me as he sat next to Oliver. I nodded softly and stretched as I let out a yawn. Storm smiled at me. "You look like a little bunny when you yawn" He told me and Oliver nodded.

My cheeks started heating up and I hid my face in my pillows. I heard a giggled before I felt a weight on my legs. I turned my head and looked at Oliver as he smiled. "Y-Your c-cute Ro Ro" He reached up and poked my cheek.

I looked at him then to Storm who was now pulling him off my legs I rolled over and sat up as I gave them both questioning looks. "I said he doesn't talk much I never said he doesn't talk at all" He told me before kissing Oliver's cheek. "But that is the first time I've heard his voice in almost two months" He admitted.

"C-Can we ke-keep 'im?" Oliver tilted his head. "You askin' what I think your askin'?" Storm questioned. Oliver hummed and nodded. Storm glanced at me then leaned forward to whisper something to Oliver. "B-But—"

"Please don't push it Ollie" I tilted my head as I looked at them and before I knew it Oliver was tackling me to my bed. A giggle slipped out as he nuzzled his face against my neck. "Sorry about him.. He really likes cuddles" I shook my head as if to tell him it was okay before wrapping my arms around him.

He let out a quiet sigh as he sat up. 'You smell nice' He signed to me. 'Thank you! You do too' I signed back. Oliver smiled at me then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He turned at Storm with a questioning look and Storm shook his head. "No Ollie" Oliver pouted and whined. "Oliver. No means no"

He let go of my hand and crossed his arms over his chest as he pouted. "Maybe you didn't nap long enough" Storm told him. I laid my head in Oliver's lap and wrapped my arms around his waist hoping that would make him feel better.

Ollie looked down at me and smiled then looked at Storm with pleading eyes. "I think it's time to go Oliver" I looked at Storm and frowned. Why was he trying to leave? What was Ollie thinking that had him wanting to leave? I thought we were having fun but now he wants to leave. I don't know if I should be concerned or upset. Maybe even both.

I sat up and looked the between the two of them. Storm's gaze hadn't moved for Oliver's eyes. "Ollie come on. Please don't do this. You know what happened last time and I know you don't want that to happen again" Storm got off my bed and walked over to pick Ollie up. Ollie kicked at him and punched slightly while trying to stay close to me.

"S-Storm p-please" He whimpered out. Storm only shook his head and finally managed to grab Oliver. "Ronan I'm sorry but we gotta go. Ollie need's another nap" He finished his sentence off by glaring at Oliver. I had never been so confused before. He set Ollie back on his feet and told him to put his shoes on. They started walking to the door but before the could leave I got up and blocked it.

𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 // 𝑩𝒙𝑩𝒙𝑩 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now