The Sudden Classmates (Part 2)

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Kokichi's POV
"Gooooooooodd Morning my rotten oranges!!!" Miss Yukizome said smiling like usual "I want you all to know that we are having new students or in my case more rotten fruit to soften up the classroom a bit more" Everyone groaned at how she called us rotten oranges I always thought she just didn't know how to express her emotions like me I asked her about it once.She said she was used to calling her friends rotten fruit and they never minded it and showed me a picture of two men and her one with green hair and one with white, all in school uniforms I talked to her a bit more and told her that it was kinda the same with me in the game and how I used to talk in the game and thought it was okay since they're traits my parents taught me and when I acted that way with Kamakura don't get me wrong my parents weren't evil well not to me at least they were the best parents I could ever have I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get to see them later I wonder how they're gonna react The good thing is Angie told me she was gonna take this class and some other students like a lot of other students "You may now come in." You have got to be kidding me. The rest of the v3 cast was there I look back there more than 14 seats unoccupied there's like 24 in here thank god there's only the antag's gang and them "Kokichi here's a surprise for you." Ms.Yukizome said along the lines of come in I immediately started crying

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