The Field trip

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Thanks a bunch Giovanix008 for this suggestion"Ooohhh

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Thanks a bunch Giovanix008 for this suggestion
"Ooohhh..." Kokichi,Hiyoko and Angie said in unison
When they saw their cabin in the poster for the field trip. "I so call top bunk!!" Hiyoko said out loud "I don't think it works like that Nagito said walking around with Izuru and the others. "Who the hell asked you creep?!" She said sounding pissy "Kokichi my dear" Celestia said walking towards the group of Antagonists "Your game has been looking for us, they seem to be trying to locate us for some reason."

"WHAT?!! Who do those fugly pigs think they are?! Looking for us like they're worth our precious time!"  Hiyoko said turning red in the face "How strange... I think they might be looking for Kokichi more than us." Nagito said scratching his face and looking deep in thought. "It doesn't matter, we'll just ignore them if they try to come near us best not to cause any scenes that'll jeopardize our lives" Kamakura said "Your Soooo smart Kama-Chan" junko said

—————————— Time Skip———————————

Everyone's in the assembly and are waiting for the school principal to come and tell everyone the details

"Hello children it's good to see everyone alive and well. I know you all are excited about your upcoming field trip. We are going to be going to go camping and will be in the woods for a few days everyone will be with their group except for—" the principal explained until Kaito spoke up cutting him off "I think everyone should be with their games! Everyone here has some sort of opened wounds we need to mend." He explained 'I didn't know he knew how to think' Kokichi thought and prayed the principal wouldn't consider it. "Hmmm....." he started
"I suppose you are right-" he said and the other games looked excited for some reason "but." He said "It will only be for a few hours a day as these wounds you speak of our because of you and your actions in the game. And your antagonists don't seem rather fond of anyone else outside of their little crew. You do with that as you will." He said as he left us to get everything ready as we wanted.
This... is gonna be a LOOOOONG field trip

And not even the good kind

(Sorry I left for so long I've been dealing with a new school, new people and too much damn drama with people I'll have to see everyday I'll see if I can make updates somewhat regular. Writing is like a haven for me
And it's really peaceful to me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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