(Part 2/2) New people,New Enemies & Friends

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Kokichi's POV
After that I've seen more people most have been giving me glares and I sent back my faces
(Shout out to any and everyone who knows what I'm talking about) and went on my marry little way and ran into the others.The principal said that I could go into whichever one of the dorms since my gangs were gonna be in there and that my gang clearly isn't comfortable around their cast mates and any time one tried to come close I got up and asked them to back off (now we know koko enough to know he went off) and they did but I did tell them about the few people I was actually cool with like Gonta and Kaede well not really Kaede she's not really the type you can trust with dark secrets cause she's always trying to help aka in my words tattle and say it's for the best
Well I've never given her a secret because I don't need the whole school knowing that bitch is like the human version of gossip honestly I don't know how she has friends in all honesty I don't know how she's popular she quite literally lasted a day and a half before she died

I guess I was lost in thought because I didn't see the v3's coming my way "Hey Ouma,we need to talk." Kaito said I looked up and smiled and ran past all of them and jumped on Gonta "Gonta~ my favorite giant. How are you?" I say Gonta hugged me and said he was doing okay I went over to where Himiko and Tenko were
Himiko started to talk as if I wanted to talk to her "I didn't come to see you,you nasty pig."  

(Shout out to whoever knows who he got that from)

She looked shocked and I grabbed Tenko's wrist and dragged her away ignoring Himiko's protest she even tried to pull her away and I shoved her to the side then took Tenko out of the crowd the rest stood back because even in the game they knew when I was serious not to fuck with me.I looked at Tenko and it didn't even look like her.

This doesn't even look at Tenko Her hair was down her uniform was gone and

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This doesn't even look at Tenko Her hair was down her uniform was gone and....where's her bow?! She loved and cherished that thing
"What the hell happened to you..." Tenko looked surprised and tried to look at Himiko for the answer "No! Don't look at Himiko This isn't you what happened to you?!" I say screaming I guess my gang was nearby because they came running asking what was wrong but I couldn't answer when Angie looked at Tenko she was just as shocked as I was.
And she was pissed she was red in the face with anger We both knew Himiko did something to her Angie screamed at Himiko about her doing something and ripped the bottom half of Tenko's skirt out of rage and our rage turned to fear.Tenko's legs were filled bruises black,blue,red and purple.Angie dropped to the ground after taking a few steps and started crying.The others seemed just as shocked and I had blacked out

3rd person POV

Kokichi rushed over to Himiko and grabbed her by her neck and strangled her tightly
And she was struggling to breathe and Kokichi had finally passed out cold

Sorry I didn't update as soon as I did but I'm trying to earn me an iPad for my birthday
In 11 days but I hope you enjoy this

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