Revenge Planing

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It's been a few weeks since Kokichi let Maki and Tenko join DICE. Tenko was slowly getting better now that she was away from Himiko and Maki was more.... Expressive I guess with her feelings. Kokichi teases her about how close they were that she 'opened her heart out to him' which Maki responded to with chasing him around and giving him a noogie and putting him in a head lock. Everyone in DICE is getting along with the new members and everyone is like a big happy family. The v3 cast were getting more pissed off mainly SS,KM,And HY. Himiko thought even though she didn't love Tenko she would still protect her and she had a lot of enemies she always depended on Tenko to beat them up for her. And she just lost her to a bunch of freaks and losers. Now she's getting made fun of and being gossiped about. And DICE couldn't care. She's going to get her revenge just wait Tenko you to Angie and Kokichi I'll get all of you back

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