Class Time

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Yumeno's POV
'W-what?' I watched Angie walk away with a frown in her face and she cheered right up before Kokichi hugged her and ushered her to sit down while they talked. I touched my cheek it stung a lot Why....WHY?! WHY DID SHE CHOOSE THEM OVER ME (Because your a bitch) I stood up and walked to my seat since the teacher said class was gonna start I was looking at Kokichi and this crew of his D.I.C.E was real and he made one full of those who were in need ......Why wasn't he like this during the game?! He probably would've like me we could've dated and once we figured out it was virtual we could've been together we probably could've had a family and everything it would've been perfect "Okay class today we will be focused on music who wants to go first? V3 perhaps or maybe DICE and the Antag Gang?"
I raised my hand and some of the V3 cast got up

When I was done V3 and that Teacher clapped for us but I really only cared about Angie and Kokichi's reactions

"Kokichi,Angie wake up you too." The teacher said giggling I tried smiling and walked
Kokichi's POV
After I called Angie she told us everything
"Freaks huh?" I say,everyone turned my way "We can show that bitch,freaks"
And with that the Antags went next I got the Mic,Angie on the dj set, Kamakura was on drum and the rest kinda sat down they didn't really like attention

We bowed and I looked at the Himiko and the rest she looked pissed like she was going to explode the others were surprised but as if I cared
"You did wonderful Ko~"

"Okay class time is over! See you tomorrow!"

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