Louis Hospital

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Harry POV
Waiting was the hardest part.
We sat for hours in the waiting room, anxious to hear anything on how Louis was doing.
Jay was on her way to Doncaster airport, as Paul and management managed to book her the next flight to New York.
At one point, which had to have been hours ago now, Paul suggested that us boys go back to the hotel. Obviously we were quick to decline his offer; we wouldn't get any sleep anyways, so what was the point?

Finally, at nearly 4am, a doctor approached us.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Montgomery. Here for Mr. Tomlinson I'm guessing?"
"Yes, is he alright?" I immediately asked
"He is stable and out of surgery right now-"
"What surgery?" Niall interrupted
"Shh boys, let her speak" Paul said gently
"Since you are non-family, I'm going to need to get a hold of the Tomlinsons before I can disclose any more information. Are you able to call them?"
Paul quickly pulled out his phone and rang Jay, who answered promptly as she had been just as anxious for news as we all were.
"Jay? Yes, a doctor is here with news about Louis" Paul said, putting the phone on speaker.
"Alright. This is Louis' mother?" Dr Montgomery greeted
"Yes, speaking"
"Would you like to speak privately first, or should I tell everyone else at the same time" She asked
"Tell everyone please, Paul and the boys are family to Louis"
"Okay. In Mr. Tomlinson's crash a few weeks ago, we believe he sustained more brain damage than we initially expected. When the can hit his head, it ruptured multiple already weakened vessels in his brain, causing a subdural hematoma. The bleed increased the pressure on his brain, which we believe is what was causing the seizures.  Fortunately, as far as we can tell, the surgery was a success, and it's only a matter of time before he wakes up. Now, I have to go and tend to my other patients, but a nurse will bring you to his room shortly" She explained
"Alright, thank you doctor" Paul said as she left the waiting room

About twenty minutes later, a nurse approached us and led us to Louis' room.
Louis was asleep in the hospital bed, the top of his head wrapped up in a bandage, and cannula in his nose. I knew under the bandaging his head was shaved, so I made a mental note to go and buy him some beanies once he was conscious.
He looked calm, and I did my best to cherish the moment as I knew he would be in pain when he awoke.
"He looks like a little kid" Zayn observed
"He does" I said, settling myself into a hard plastic chair
"Mate," Liam cooed, gently touching Louis' cheek

We had been sitting in the room for about half an hour when Louis' eyes fluttered open.
"Louis?" I asked softly
"Mmmm" He hummed in response
"Welcome back, mate" Liam said, moving his chair closer to the bed
A nurse promptly entered the room.
"Mr. Tomlinson, are you back with us?" She asked cheerily
"Mmmm." Louis repeated, his eyes glancing around the room at us.
"You're in the hospital, Louis. You've had surgery on your head" I explained
"Hos, hosp" He slurred, looking up at the ceiling
"He's still somewhat under the influence of the anestesia. Keep talking to him as he continues coming around. I have to go make some rounds but I'll be back with the doctor shortly. Page me if he needs anything" The nurse instructed, jotting something down on her clipboard and leaving the room
"You got hit was a soda can, Lou" Niall said, drawing patterns with his fingers over Louis' knuckles
"Hmmph" Louis sighed

Louis continued coming to, and eventually began managing one-word answers instead of nonsense.
Dr. Montgomery soon appeared.
"Mr. Tomlinson! How are you feeling?" She asked gently
"Mmm okaay"
"Well I'm glad to hear that."  She said. "Can you squeeze my fingers?" She asked as she held two fingers out to Louis' hands and he did as she asked. "Very good Mr. Tomlinson. Now, I suggest you rest up a bit, and when you are feeling a bit more with-it, I'm going to have my nurse take you down for some neuro tests, does that sound good?"
"Mhm yeah" Louis mumbled as he closed his eyes and instantly began drifting off to sleep.
It was coming 6am now, and we first arrived at the hospital at 11pm; so once we knew Louis was sound asleep, the lads and I let ourselves doze off a bit

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