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Heyyy lovelies :)

I'm publishing this on every book of this series, so if it's in your library you'll get four notifications... sorry.

Anyways, I made a new story a few months ago that I've been writing quite a bit for today, and plan to keep writing it frequently for awhile. It's called "Touch - l.s.", and can be found on my profile. It's a hurt-fic type story and then morphs more into a story about Louis' and Harry's relationship.

I really encourage you to check it out because I'm actually pretty happy with it :)))

ALSO, I will continue with this series, but I've been struggling to find the motivation to write it because I know where I want it to go, I just don't have many ideas for how to get it there. That's part of the reason why I've been working on Touch right now, as I have a very clear idea in my mind as to where I want it to go, so it's much easier for me to write.

So, if you read all of this, thank you, and I'm sorry that this isn't a new chapter - hopefully I'll have one up in December / around Christmastime.

Thank you for reading if you've made it this far, and happy (almost) thanksgiving to any fellow American readers.

Long Way Down // One Direction SickficWhere stories live. Discover now