Louis Seizure (1)

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Louis POV
It had been two weeks and three days since I was discharged from the hospital, and exactly one week since my last seizure. The first week I was home was rough - my body wasn't responding well to the medicine, and I felt quite nauseous. Now, I had begun to get used to it, and I was finally beginning to feel like my old self again.

This morning, my mum had run out to the grocer's shop, so I was left to prepare breakfast for my younger sisters.
"Louis! I want a waffle!" Phoebe exclaimed
"No Phee. I want a pancake" Daisy said
"I can do both, okay? They just go in the microwave anyways" I reasoned, opening the freezer and searching for the frozen pancakes and waffles.
"Need help with anything, Lou?" Félicité asked as she entered the room
"No, Fiz, I'm alright, it's just the microwave" I declined her offer
"You sure? Promise you won't burn the house down or anything?" She joked
"Nope" I said, putting two Eggo waffles into the microwave
Once I got the twins their breakfasts, I headed to the living room and turned on the television.

"Lou? Are you alright?" Lottie's voice snapped me from my transe.
"Huh?" I asked
"You uh, dropped the remote" She blurted, glancing pointedly at the remote on the floor by my feet
"Oh uh" I said, unsure of when I must've dropped it.
I bent down to grab it, but it felt like my body was lagging behind, like my brain was moving a step ahead of everything else.
"Louis!" Lottie exclaimed as there was a sudden sharp pain in my head and everything went white.

Félicité POV
I heard a thud come from the living room, but didn't think much of it at first. That was, not until I heard Lottie yelling for me.
I rushed out of my bedroom, and into the living room. I froze when I saw Louis having a seizure on the floor.
"Lottie! What happened?" I exclaimed, rushing over to them
"He was on the couch zoned out, and then I came in and he dropped the remote. He reached down to get it and then he just fell. And now, n-now... What do we do?" She stammered
I tried to think back to what I had seen mum do the one time he had a seizure in front of us.
"We need to turn him onto his side, so he um, so he doesn't choke or something" I instructed unsurely.
We both did our best to turn him onto his side, and Lottie reached for a couch pillow. I helped her lift his head and put it under it.
"I'm gonna call mum," Lottie said, dialling her number and putting it on speaker.
"Hi honey, what do you need?" Mum asked as she answered the phone
"Mum! Louis is having a seizure!" Lottie exclaimed
"What? Where is he? How long has it been going on for?"
"He's on the floor in the living room. He fell off the couch. Maybe two minutes? I'm not sure" Lottie said, panicking more as Louis' seizure continued.
"Okay sweetie, is he on his side? I'm getting in my car now I'll be home in ten minutes"
"Yeah, Fizzy and I turned him on his side and put a pillow under his head
"Okay. Am I on speaker?"
"Yeah" Lottie replied as Louis started to gag and grunt
"Louis, mummy is almost home. You're doing great"
"Can he hear us?" I asked
"I'm not sure. But if he can it might help"
"What's wrong with him?" Daisy whimpered and I turned around
"Is that Daisy? Tell her to go to her room or something, she shouldn't have to watch this"
"Daisy, how about you go hang out with Phee up in your bedroom? Louis is okay, I promise" I suggested
"I think he's stopping now, mum"
"Alright Lot. Don't let him get up until I'm home. It'll be eight minutes at most. You two did really well, Louis too. I'm gonna stay on the phone until I get there, and keep him on his side until he wakes up just in case he starts seizing again"
"Okay. I think he's asleep right now"
"Yeah, just try to encourage him to wake up. He usually passes out after his seizures"
"Come on Louis" I said as I gently shook his shoulder
After a few minutes, his eyes fluttered open.
"Mmm" He hummed
"Hey Lou" Lottie cooed
"Is he awake, sweetie?"
"Okay. Louis? Mummy's almost home"
"Seiz-" Louis mumbled softly, struggling to get the word out
"Yeah, but you're okay," Lottie said, putting on a brave face.
"Lottie, can you move the phone so Louis can hear me?"
"Yeah it's next to him now"
"Louis? It's mum. Do you know where you are?"
"Mmm. Home"
"Okay good. How about what room you are in?"
"The big roooom" Louis slurred slightly
"That's right. Do you remember what the big room is called?"
"Mmm nyo. I don, I don't remember"
"Okay, that's alright honey. Can you tell me who's with you right now?"
He glanced at me, and then at Lottie
"Lots and Fiz"
"Okay, very good Louis. I'm pulling into the driveway now, so I'm gonna hang up"

A few moments later, mum came inside and helped Louis up onto the couch. He almost immediately fell asleep, so Lottie and I went up to our room.

"Fizzy?" Came a small voice outside the door
"Daisy? Is that you? Come in" I answered
She looked like she had been crying
"Oh Daisy! Come here, what's wrong?" Lottie asked as she sat down next to me on my bed and motioned for Daisy to join us.
"Is this house haunted?" She asked with tears in her eyes
"No, no it's not. What happened?" I replied, looking at Lottie
"Why was Louis shaking? Is he possessed?"
"Noo, no he's not. He can't help it sometimes. Do you remember how mummy said he hit his head? His brain sometimes makes him shake now" Lottie explained. It broke my heart for both Daisy and Louis - poor Louis couldn't control it, and it had scared his baby sister.
"But when I was at Abby's house we watched a movie and a ghost made someone shake like that" Daisy whimpered
"There wasn't a ghost, I promise. Louis just had some shakes is all. He's okay how, though." I soothed
Lottie engulfed both Daisy and I into a big hug, which was only interrupted by mum calling us downstairs for lunch.
We all got up, Daisy's hand in mine, and walked downstairs to have a bite to eat.

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