Zayn Alcohol Poisoning

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Louis POV
"Louis? Come on Lou," Liam said as my vision cleared and I looked over at him.
"There you are," Harry sighed in relief
"Oh. Did I have a seizure?" I asked, recognizing the way that I was feeling.
"Yeah, just an absence though. It lasted about forty-five seconds" Liam explained
"Oh. Can I sit down?" I said. I often felt dizzy after absence seizures. 
"Yeah, yeah. Of course, Louis" Harry said as he put his arm around my waist and helped me over to the hotel couch.
"I think you may be late for your pill," Liam said, "You must've forgotten with the time zone change"
I groaned. I always felt so stupid and careless when I forgot. It also didn't make Liam and Harry treat me less like a baby, as I often would have seizures.
"I'll grab it for you, don't get up" Harry said as he went over to the bathroom to get my pill.
"Where are Niall and Zayn?" I asked, looking around the room and realizing that they were both missing
"They're just in their room. They left a few minutes ago, right before you had the seizure" Liam explained
"Oh, okay" I nodded as Harry returned with my pill.

We spent the next few hours relaxing, and then Niall came over to our room; it was now evening.
"Wanna go down to the bar and grab some drinks?" He offered, situating himself onto the couch next to me.
"Sure. Where's Zayn? We should invite him too" Harry suggested
"He had a phone meeting with management and I think he wanted some alone time after it. He didn't want to talk about it" Niall shrugged
"Oh. Makes sense" Harry said, standing up and fetching his shoes, Niall followed suit
As they were about to leave, they turned back to me, where I was sitting on the couch.
"Are you coming, Louis?" Liam asked, giving me a confused look. I used to be the biggest partier, and never passed up the opportunity to grab a few drinks.
"I can't drink, I'll have a grand mal" I practically whispered in response. I'd never explicitly say it, but all the boys knew that I hated talking about my condition.
"Oh shit, sorry Louis. I hadn't even thought of that. We could just stay here" Liam apologized
"No, no. It's alright. I think I'll just go check on Zayn.  You all go and have fun" I said, encouraging them out the door
"Alright Louis. Call us if you need anything. And I promise we'll hang out with you tomorrow night!" Liam called as Harry urged him out of them room and the door shut behind them.

After I few minutes, I headed over to Zayn's room. I knocked on the door, and waiting a few seconds for a reply. Nothing came.
"Zayn, I'm coming in" I announced, pulling my spare key out of my pocket - we always traded keys when we were in hotels. "Z? Where are you mate?" I asked as I entered the room.
I walked into the kitchenette area of the mini suite, where I saw Zayn slumped over on a barstool.
"Zayn, you okay mate?" I asked as I slowly walked up to him.
"Mmm I'm fine Louiiis" He slurred
"Zayn, are you drunk? What did you drink?" I asked as I pulled out the second barstool and sat down on it, facing him. "Bloody hell mate, you didn't drink all of that, right?" I said as I stared at the half-empty vodka bottle in his hand.
"Mmmm" He hummed
I reached out to touch him, and it started me how cold his skin felt.
"Zayn, did you drink all of that?" I repeated, taking the bottle from his hand and putting it on the counter.
"S'not tooo much" He mumbled, as he began falling forwards.
"Fuck, Zayn" I said as I caught him and he leaned against me limply. I did my best to get him back on the stool, and hold him upright, all while I was ringing Liam. I knew that Liam wouldn't be too drunk - he was always responsible, and they had
hardly been at the hotel bar for fifteen minutes now.

"Louis? What's up?" He asked when the line finally connected
"Mate, can you come back upstairs, something's wrong with Zayn" I answered
"What do you mean, Louis?"
"He's um, he's drank a lot, but I'm not sure how much. And I'm not sure if he's taken anything with it, but somethings wrong Liam. Just please come up" I tried to explain the situation. Zayn just hummed to himself while leaning against me. I knew he was well beyond drunk at this point, and Niall had only left the room twenty-five or so minutes ago.
"Alright, we'll be right up" Liam sighed before the line disconnected and he hung up.

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