Liam Migraine

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Liam POV
"How you feeling, Louis?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the dressing room couch where he was laying.
"Really tired" He mumbled
"Yeah, having four back to back seizures will do that to you" I replied, playing with the fold of his beanie
"Hey, Li?" Niall said
"What's up, Ni?" I turned to him
"Has Lou taken his pill?" And then it dawned on me that due to the constant time zone changes, Louis probably forgot to take his pill.
"Shit, I dunno. Louis, did you take your second pill today? Can you remember?" I asked
"Um. I dunno. It's really hard to keep track somethings" He said quietly, seeming a little bit embarrassed that he may have forgotten
"Okay, how long until his next dose is due?" I asked and Harry looked at his watch
"7am UK time, and it's coming midnight here now. So two hours?"
"Okay I think it's best we just wait it out. We don't want you to have too much." I decided. "We'll just have to keep a close eye on you"
"Mmm" He said. "Can I go back to sleep now"
"Yes, Louis. Sorry I woke you. I just wanted to check on you" I apologized

About thirty minutes later, Zayn and Paul returned - Harry had found Zayn unconscious, and when he woke up Paul sent Harry away so he could have a chat with him.
"Hey Z, are you okay?" Niall asked as Zayn entered the room
"Yeah, just tired is all"
"Alright boys, are we ready to go? How is Louis doing?" Paul said walking over to the couch
"He's exhausted. We think he missed his pill this afternoon, but we didn't give him another one since he's due for his morning dose in two hours" I explained
"Okay, good choice. He hasn't had any more seizures, correct?"
"No, he's just been sleeping"
"Okay good. Louis? Louis I'm going to carry you to the limo, okay?" Paul said as I gently tapped Louis' cheek, waking him up.
"Mmm okay" He said groggily
Paul lifted Louis and he immediately snuggled into his chest.
"Paul, I'm going to run to the bathroom quickly" Zayn announced
"Preston will bring you to the car then," Paul called as Zayn hurried off

Once me made it to the car, we waited about ten minutes before Zayn and Preston came.
We were all relatively quiet in the car, allowing both Louis and Zayn to get some rest. The quiet, however, made me notice the dull ache that was forming right behind my eyes. I cursed to myself, realizing I was getting a migraine.
"Harry?" I whispered, not wanting to be loud enough to wake anyone. He looked up from his phone at me. "Do you have any ibuprofen?"
"Yeah, I should." He said, reaching into his bag and retrieving the bottle of pills. "Are you okay?" He asked as he handed it to me
"Yeah, I think I'm getting a migraine. Figure I'd try to catch it before it got to bad" I explained as I downed two pills.

Once we got back to the hotels I went to bed immediately. Maybe I'd be able to sleep off the headache that was now beginning to form.

Unfortunately, I woke up at around 2am, my head throbbing.
"Niall, Niall" I said loudly trying to wake him up. Eventually I resorted to throwing a pillow at him, felt but the moving my arm made me nauseous.
"Hmrgh. Huh? Liam?" Niall asked groggily
"Niall, my head. Argh" I groaned, laying completely still as even the slightest movement made my stomach flip.
"What's wrong? Is it just a headache?" He said and I heard him sit up next to me. He flipped on the lights, causing my head to pulsate, and I knew I was going to get sick.
"Niall, help me to the bathroom, I'm gonna be sick" I struggled to say as the nausea became unbearable
Niall pulled me out of bed, and practically had to carry me to the bathroom, which was awkward given our size difference.
Just as I got in front of the toilet, I began vomiting, and it seemed to never end.
I knew Niall was a bit of an emetophobe, but he stayed by my side and rubbed circles on my back.
Once I was finally finished, Niall flushed the toilet and crouched beside me.
"Do you feel better now?" He asked
"No" I groaned as my head continued mercilessly pounding
"That's rough mate, do you want me to help you back to the bed?" He suggested
"No. I can't move" I said, as I laid myself down on the bathroom floor
"Come on, Li, the bed will be more comfortable" He said as he pulled me up, the sudden movement making my head hurt worse as I began crying.
"Stop, please" I yelped as the pain became unbearable again and I was back dry gagging over the toilet
"Mate, I'm gonna call Paul. This is bad" He decided, and I didn't even bother to argue with him
He pulled out his phone and then clicked on Paul's contact

Niall POV
"Niall, it is 2 in the morning. This better be important" Paul answered the phone on the fourth ring, voice rough with sleep.
"Paul, Liam has a headache and he keeps getting sick" I said quickly
"What Niall? Slow down. What's wrong with Liam?"
"He woke up with a headache, and then got sick, and now he's sobbing and won't move off of the floor" I said, trying to explain the situation as best as I could.
"Alright, I'll be there soon" Paul said before he hung up and the line disconnected
"Li, Paul is on his way, just hang on" I cooed as Liam continued crying on the floor. This was so unlike him, so I knew he must've really been in pain.

Finally, after a few minutes full of pained whines and  some dry heaving over the toilet bowl, Paul arrived and quickly ushered me out of the small bathroom.

After about twenty minutes in the closed bathroom, Paul emerged, all but carrying Liam.
"Niall, will you be okay here by yourself? I'm going to bring Liam to my room so you can get some sleep, I think he's got a pretty bad migraine"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Feel better Li!" I said as he and Paul left the room.

It took me a little while to fall back asleep, but it felt good knowing that I could sleep in tomorrow since we didn't have much to do.

I woke up at around 9am when Paul came into my room with Liam.
"Niall, are you awake?" Paul asked
"I am now" I muttered as he laid Liam onto the bed. "Is he okay?" I asked noticing that he didn't appear to be awake.
"He took some sleeping pills last night to help him fall asleep. He might wake up over the next few hours, but I'm kind of hoping that he'll spend the majority of the day asleep, getting rid of his headache. It was pretty bad last night" Paul said
"No kidding" I replied under my breath

Liam did sleep for the majority of the day, and when he truly woke up around dinner time, his migraine was just a normal headache - which we were all grateful for.
"Two more shows in South America" I said in disbelief as Liam and I tucked ourselves in for bed. Despite Liam having slept the whole day, and me just relaxing, we both were exhausted, and quickly nodded off to sleep.

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