Louis Seizure (3)

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Liam POV
My headache was completely gone after a day full of rest, and we were now leaving our hotel in Santiago to head to Buenos Aires for our final two shows in South America.

"Home stretch lads!" Niall exclaimed as we neared the airport.
"Hey, Ni. Don't jinx it. Last time you said that I wound up needing brain surgery" Louis poked him in the side, and Niall pulled Louis' beanie over his eyes - something that Niall and Zayn seemed to use to get back at Louis often.
"Boys, be ready to get into the airport quickly. Big crowd out there" Paul said as he looked out the window
"You'll be fine Nialler" I said as I squeezed his knee, and he nodded. We all knew he'd been having trouble in crowds recently.

Fortunately, we all made it into the airport conscious and in one piece, despite Niall having a bit of a panic.
We got through security and had about a fifteen minute wait left at our gate when Paul's phone alarm went off.
"Time for your meds, Louis" Paul said reaching into his backpack.
"Thanks, Paul" Louis said as he took the pill from Paul and swallowed it drinking some water that we bought at a snack store inside the airport

The flight was relatively quick, and once we landed security grabbed our luggage and we headed to the car.
As we were herded through the crowd that had gathered outside the airport in anticipation of our arrival, Louis stumbled and I reached out and grabbed him. "Louis, we're almost to the car, just hang on" I said, afraid that he was going into a seizure.
"Is he okay?" Harry asked, overhearing what I had said
"Yes, I'm fine. I just tripped" Louis said as he pushed my hand off of his waist
"Oh, sorry Lou. I just thou-" I started to say
"I know what you thought." He interrupted "I just tripped, I'm alright"

The car ride to the hotel was quick, and it was my turn to room with Louis. I hoped to have a talk with him, and find some common ground, as there had been some obvious tension between us for a few weeks now.
Unfortunately, however, we had conjoining rooms with the rest of the lads, and Louis insisted on keeping the door open during our awake hours.
"Anyone up for some FIFA?" Zayn asked, walking over to the TV to connect to the correct inputs.
"I'm down" Louis said, jumping onto the couch
"Comin in hot!" Niall exclaimed, leaping over the back of the couch and settling down next to Louis.
"Hey, Niall, careful" I scolded, seeing as his foot almost hit Louis in the face
Niall, Zayn, and Louis played the first game, while Harry and I watched. Louis wound up just beating Zayn.
"Yes!" Louis exclaimed, and Zayn immediately tackled Louis, pushing him off of the couch.
"Zayn, Zayn!" I yelled and Harry and I both got up to get him off of Louis.
"Christ, sorry guys we were just having fun" Zayn said defensively as I helped Louis to his feet. He wouldn't look at me.
"Are you okay, Louis?" I asked as I checked him over
"Yes, Liam, I am fine" He hissed
"We just want you to be careful, Louis" Harry said quietly. Louis looked at Zayn and Niall, and then back to Harry and I.
"Can I um, can you two just come into the other room for a second? I need to talk to you" He said, more gently than before
Harry and I shared a quick glance, and then nodded. We followed him through the doors that conjoined our rooms, which he slammed behind us.
"Can you two just stop?" He said
"What're you talking about?" Harry asked looking at me
"You guys just, you guys won't let me have any fun. I'm alright guys, look at me, I'm alright" He said
"Louis, we're just trying to protect you. We don't want you to get hurt or have a seizure, okay?"
"No! You guys are being so annoying. Anytime that I do anything, anything remotely fun, you shut it down immediately. You're ALWAYS watching me, and if I do so much as stumble you panic thinking I'm going into a seizure or something. Goddamnit, it's so annoying. Please, just please. I'm not made of fucking glass, I'm not just going to break, okay? Just treat me like a normal person please. Zayn and Niall don't seem to have any trouble doing it, please" He was starting to get worked up.
"Louis, we understand, but are you forgetting the fact that you have a serious brain injury? I don't think you realize that if you hit your head, things could be really bad" I tried to reason with him
"I know, okay? I don't want to have a seizure, I don't want to hit my head; Probably just as much if not more than you guys don't want me to. I can take care of myself! I'm not a baby, I don't need to be babysat" He spat
"Louis, we aren't trying to baby you, we are trying to keep you safe, there's a difference"
"Do you, do you realize how much I can't fucking do now? I can't drink coffee or alcohol because those will probably cause me to have a seizure, if I forget as much as one pill I'll have a seizure, and sometimes even when I take my meds I still have seizures. Everyone pities me, and like, like the other day I was in the gym and Liam, you wouldn't let me finish my workout because you're being so goddamn overprotective. I know I'm not a fucking normal twenty-one year old, I can't go out and party, and for god's sake Paul won't even let me have alone time, and and and I just want you guys to treat me like a normal human being. Please, I need this you don't understand. I've lost so goddamn much just let me have this please" He was now crying. I felt a lump in my throat forming, I was unsure if I'd ever seen Louis look quite this upset and broken.
"Louis, I'm sor-" Harry began
"No, don't fucking say you're sorry because you're just fucking pitying me"
"Louis, no we aren't. That's not how I meant it, you're being totally irrational right now"
"Please guys, you just don't let me have fun anymore. I'm, I'm a normal person still, and I don't want this and I don't know....and, I um. I don't, don't" He forced out
"Louis?" I asked, concerned how what he was saying was no longer making sense. I went to take a step closer to him as his eyes rolled back and he collapsed to the floor.
"Fuck, Louis!" Harry cried
"Shit, he's seizing. Harry go find me something to put under his head" I said as I crouched beside him and turned him onto his side.
Louis' eyes were completely rolled back, and he was shifting awkwardly on the floor. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, as it didn't look like the grand mal he had with us in the dressing room.
"I'll time it. Can you call Paul?" I said as I took the jumper from Harry's hand and gently placed it under Louis' head. "Tell Niall and Zayn while you're at it" I said, setting a timer on my phone.
"Urgh, hemmmn" Louis groaned as his muscles stiffened
"Shhh Louis, you're okay" I cooed, as Louis rolled over onto his back.
Niall and Zayn came into the room, and watched from a distance as Louis continued seizing.
"Paul's on his way" Harry announced, slipping his phone back into his pocket
Louis began gargling, but I didn't know whether or not I should touch him to roll him back over so he wouldn't choke. I opted to just leave him how he was.
"Paul!" Harry exclaimed as Paul came into the room
"How long has he been seizing for?" Paul asked as he knelt beside Louis' head
"Three minutes and thirty-two seconds" I informed him, looking at the timer. This was already longer than his normal seizures, and his muscle contractions had yet to slow down. Paul reached over and gently rolled Louis back onto his side.
Fortunately, after another thirty or so seconds, Louis' muscles relaxed and he stilled.
"Louis, you're okay" I said softly
"Paul, he was um, arguing with Liam and I. He was crying and pretty upset. Is it um, is it our fault?" Harry asked quietly
"No, it's nobody's fault. His brain probably just didn't respond to the stress of the situation well. Don't blame yourselves" He said, reaching down and taking Louis' pulse. "Louis, can you try to wake up for me?"
"Come on, Lou" Zayn whispered, reaching out and touching his cheek
"Murgh" Louis eventually groaned
"Are you awake, Louis?" Niall asked
"Alright, that's it Louis. Just open your eyes when you can" Paul soothed
"You're okay Louis" Harry soothed
"Keep coming around mate" Zayn added
"Shhh boys, too many voices will confuse him" He shushed is. "Louis, can I see those blue eyes of yours?"
"Muurgh" Louis groaned, and eventually his eyes flickered open
"There you are, Louis" Paul cooed
"How you feeling, mate?" Zayn asked and Louis glanced at him. Tears quickly filled Louis' eyes.
"Louis, what's wrong?" Paul asked, shifting so he could look into Louis' eyes
"Hurts" Louis whispered as a tear fell down his cheek
"What hurts Louis?" Paul asked. Louis didn't answer, he just glanced around at all of us
"He fell Paul. He fell to the floor when he started seizing. He could be hurt. Louis, Louis, you shouldn't move" I said quickly. He had broken his back only a few months ago, and he just fell flat onto it.
"Alright, Liam. Louis, you're okay just keep coming around. We'll check you out when you're a little more awake" Paul said to Louis before looking around at us. "How about you boys go to the other room. Give Louis some privacy" He suggested. We looked around at each other, and then back to Louis before standing up to leave.
"Zaayn" Louis called, and reached his hand out towards us.
"Zayn, you stay." Paul said, and Zayn walked back over to Louis.

Zayn POV
"Zaayn" Louis called as I went to leave the room. I turned back towards Paul and him, and he was reaching his hand out towards me. I looked at Paul, who nodded.
"Zayn, you stay." He said and I slowly walked back towards Louis and crouched beside him, taking hold of his hand.
"Hey, Louis" I whispered as he looked at me. He was still pretty out of it and teary eyed
"Try to get him to talk to you. I'm not sure if he's hit his head or not" Paul said
"How are you feeling, Lou? Does anything hurt?" I asked
"Ev'rything" he murmured
"Alright, Louis. I'm going to take your beanie off okay? Just to check out your head" Paul said as he reached for his hat. Louis never took off his beanie, even around us - he would even sleep with it on.
"Nyoooo" Louis whined as Paul removed it from his head. Louis had about a half inch of hair on his head, and his scar was distinctly visible. "My heads naked"
"I'll let you have it back in a moment Louis, just let me check you out" Paul said, putting his hands under Louis arms and sitting him up slightly.
"What's wrong, Louis?" I asked as I saw his eyes tear up again, and twitched his lips.
"'M gonna be sick" He whispered as he gagged, and I hurried to grab the trash bin for him to be sick into.
"Okay Louis, it's okay" Paul said rubbing circles on his back
"Are you finished?" I asked he leant back into Paul, closing his eyes
"Hey, Louis, stay awake. You can sleep in a few minutes, I just need to make sure you're okay first" Paul said, and Louis opened his eyes. "Louis, can you look at me?"
Louis glanced over at Paul, and Paul looked into his eyes for a moment.
"Okay, I think you might have a bit of a concussion" Paul determined
"Doesn't he already have a concussion?" I asked. His head hadn't even completely healed since his accident a few months ago now, and now he had another concussion?
"Yes, he'll be okay though. Louis, I'm going to stay in here with you for a bit, and you can sleep. Okay?" Paul said
"Mmm okay. 'M sleepy" Louis mumbled
"Okay, I'm gonna help you up and we'll see if you can walk to the couch," Paul said as he and I both began helping Louis to his feet
"You're a bit disoriented, aye?" I said as Louis stumbled after a few steps
"Almost there, Louis" Paul encouraged as we helped Louis to the couch.
"Mmm goodnight" Louis whispered as we laid him onto the couch. He was practically asleep before he was even fully laid down.

The rest of the day, the four of us played some FIFA and relaxed while Louis slept in the other room. Paul woke him up every hour for five hours, just to make sure he was alright. That night, we performed as a four, while Louis slept backstage. It certainly was an eventful day.

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