Harry Heatstroke

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Harry POV
Finally, after three long weeks, Louis joined us in Orange County for three days before we were scheduled to fly to Brazil.
"Louis!" I exclaimed as he and Paul entered my hotel room - where Niall, Liam, Zayn, and I were engaging in intense Wii sport matches.
"Hey mate! We missed ya!" Niall greeted, pausing the game
"Hi," Louis replied, relatively timidly
"Oh, come here." Zayn said, standing up and hugging Louis, then practically dragging him to the couch. "We all missed you"
"Hey, Zayn, careful" Liam scolded, afraid that Zayn was being too rough.
"Z" I said, sharing very similar concerns
Zayn deposited Louis onto the couch, and Liam immediately stood up to check on Louis.
"'M fine guys. I'm fine" Louis muttered, looking down at the floor
"Alright Louis, make sure to tell the boys if you need anything. I'll be back in a few hours to take you boys to the dock." Paul said as he went to leave
"Wait, Paul!" Louis called, as Paul turned back towards us
Louis blinked at him owlishly, his beanie a little lopsided on his head - which I honestly found adorable.
"It's okay Louis, they know what to do" Paul nodded in encouragement, it took me a second to understand what they were talking about. "Harry and Liam, can you step outside for a moment?"
"Sure," I said as Liam and I removed ourselves from the couch.

Paul closed the door behind us.
"Louis is very nervous about this - scared even. I really need you guys to be super gentle with him, and make sure he knows that he's safe."
"What is he worried about?" Liam asked, though we both already knew the answer
"Having a seizure. I talked with Jay, and he's absolutely petrified whenever he's about to go into one. Apparently he had a bad experience with the twins, but neither Jay nor Louis told me anything more about that. I think he just really needs to be assured that he's in good hands," Paul explained
"Well, we know what to do. We had that meeting with management and they brought in a doctor and everything. We turn him on his side, put something soft under his head, and keep track of how long the fit lasts. If it's longer than five minutes then we call an ambulance because he might not be getting enough oxygen in his brain." I said, recalling the meeting we had last week. "Oh, and if he won't wake up after ten minutes we also call an ambulance because there might be something wrong with his head"
"Yes. I know that all four of you boys know how to deal with this, but Louis doesn't know that. I really need you guys to make him comfortable, and make sure that he knows he is safe."
"Okay, we will" Liam assured Paul
"Alrighty boys. I have to go sort out the last few details with the yacht today. I'll meet you at your room at 12:30." Paul said as he turned around and made his way down the hall towards his hotel room.
Harry and I stood in silence for a moment, when suddenly we heard a loud shriek from inside the room.
We shared a quick, panicked glance, before opening the door and rushing in.
"Is Louis okay?" Liam yelled, before we even had a chance to see the boys.
We got into the living area of the hotel room, prepared to see Louis seizing, but rather, he was sprawled out across Zayn and Niall's laps, laughing.
As soon as he saw Liam and I, his face got serious, he shot upright, and shuffled to get as far away from Niall and Zayn on the couch as possible. He squeezed himself against the side of the seat, making himself as small as he could.
"Uhm. What was that about?" I asked as Liam walked over to Louis
"What do you mean?" Niall replied, giving me a bit of a glare
"What was the scream?" I continued
"Nothing, we were just messing around" Zayn mumbled
"You guys really have to be careful," Liam said, examining Louis. Louis refused to make eye contact with him. "You're alright, Louis?"
Louis just nodded subtly. I had no idea why he was acting like this.
"Ok. You're not going into a seizure or anything like that?" Liam double checked
"No, Li. I'm alright" Louis said sheepishly
I had never really seen Louis act this shy around us. It definitely caught me off guard.

An hour full of Wii sports was interrupted by Paul knocking on our door, and then entering.
He escorted us all out to a limo, which we took to a nearby pier.
To celebrate our day of, and Louis' first day back with us, we decided to rent a yacht and spend the day in the sun.
Paul was also going to join us, just in-case there was a Louis-related emergency.

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