Broken Machines

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Eren looked at Evie, a face that had turned from one of hatred to a kinder and warmer nature.
Eren wanted to shout and scream at her, curse her for waking her up, she wanted to destroy Elena's home and burn it to the ground.
Instead she put her hands to her head and began to laugh, she was ready to give up.
"What's wrong Eren?" Evie asked a look of concern flushing her face, she looked at Elena who shrugged.
"Eren tell us what's going on honey." Elena asked sympathetically.
Eren punched herself several times until Evie gripped her around the wrists. "Stop that shit right now and talk to me!"
Eren looked at her. "I dreamt."
"What about?" Evie asked.
"A strange place, a man, he said..." Eren groaned and started the pained laughter again.
"Tell us what he said." Evie willed her on.
"He said he knew how to help you."
"Okay that's great..."
"No because you woke me before he could tell me." Eren's laughter became tears, she rolled to the floor punching it in a rage.
Elena pulled her away. "Stop that right now young lady."
Eren slid to the ground again in tears.
Elena looked at Evie who had her hands to her mouth. "I fucked up didn't I?"
"No you didn't dear, when Eren composes herself we can figure this out."
"Figure out, figures out, that's all I hear, we can't figure shit, we're useless. Just give me a knife so I can open up my wrists I'm done with this, can't do it anymore."
"Don't talk like that!" Elena demanded.
"You're not killing yourself now get up and don't give up." Evie demanded.
"Why?" Eren moaned. "My hands are goddam useless!"
"Keep punching the floor like a petulant child and what do you expect Eren!?" Evie replied just as frustrated.
"Hey you're cousins, you shouldn't be fighting."
"Fuck this." Eren went towards the door.
"I made a mistake Eren, I'm sorry I woke you, I didn't know!"
"I'm sorry because without you I'm dead inside." Eren went outside in the rain slamming the door.
She checked on her bike then went to the gate and tried again, it wouldn't work.
Eren began to kick it angrily and finding a rock threw it at the gate, it chipped part of the gate.
Eren spat on it. 'Fuck you, you piece of shit! Everything you've asked of me now you won't help me! I fucking despise you, I despise Annwvn, I despise Eros for doing this to me! I hope you fucking burn to the ground! You have the fucking nerve to turn on me when I need help! I won't forget it! If Evie dies I'll make you fucking pay!"
Eren kicked it over and over until she finally slipped over in the wet mud twisting her ankle, she just lay there laughing.
"I've had enough of losing people, I've had enough!" She closed her eyes and allowed the heavy rain to saturate her, she didn't even care if lightning struck her. She'd given up, she couldn't help Evie, she cursed Yusha to an eternity of suffering.
Inside Evie was growing concerned. "I have to get her, she'll make herself ill Elena, things become too much for her."
"No let me get her Evie, I know she's mad, not at you I know that, more herself."
"She can't get this bastard out of me maybe I should bleed him out."
"Evie what?"
"I'm tired of waiting for this bastard to kill me, why is he even in me, because of my dad and what he did? You're pathetic you hear me Yusha, you're fucking pathetic!" Evie felt a pain in her side which began to get uncomfortably hot. Evie dropped to the floor. "Aaggrhh, fuck you!"
"What is it Evie?"
"The dog bastard inside me, get Eren, now please!"
"Hold on!" Elena went to the door, she turned as Evie groaned.
"Get her!"
Elena nodded going outside, she found Eren up the path laying next to the gate unmoving.
"What, go away!"
"No, something is wrong with Evie, get up!"
Eren looked at her.
"I'm not kidding, hurry!"
Eren got up but fell to her knees holding her ankle. "Twisted."
"Come on." Elena helped her up hurrying back to the cabin.
When Eren saw Evie in pain she dropped to the floor and scuttled across to her.
"Get out of her you son of a whore! You goddam shit sack for a parent!" Eren put her hands on Evie's belly. "Work damn it work!"
Eren's brown eyes began to glow light blue.
"Fucking work! Damn you to fucking Hell!"
Evie's screams became more pained.
Eren's eyes began to illuminate.
Elena could only watch in shock.
"Work!!" Eren was thrown across the room, her head hit the wall hard, she dropped unconscious to the ground.
Evie had stopped groaning but lay on the floor breathing shallowly.
Elena went to Eren who's head was bleeding, she got some antiseptic for it.
She lifted Eren onto the sofa laying her down and helping Evie into the chair.
"Well God I asked for another child looks like I've got two now, and they're quite the handful." Elena sat down her head in her hands. "I need a tea, a strong one."

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