Saying goodbye

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Samantha POV
"I'm sorry ok. I know I fucked up but I still love you" I laughed "You don't do that to people you love" Warm hands cupped my face, "Please let me make this right..." I pulled my face away from the hands "I need time to think" I watched as tears flooded Emilias eyes, " long?" I bit my lip, "I don't know" I quickly walked away wiping my tears

"CUT" I walked back over towards Emilia, "That was perfect you two! I think that's the take" I smiled brightly hugging Mille. "Let me go watch the footage back, don't leave just yet" JJ smiled as he walked away. "Are you nervous?" I rubbed my hands together "If that's the take then we say goodbye to 6 years of our lives" Mille smiled sadly "We can always try to make a sequel" I laughed "Ya, with Anna Smith dying in the arms of her lover?" Mille laughed, "I guess your right" my nerves started to kick in while we awaited JJ's return

A few moment later he came back with a huge smile. "Everyone gather around please" Mille grabbed my hand squeezing tight, "7 years ago I got a call to make a television show. I had no clue where it would go and thought it would be a one time deal. But here we are 6 years later. I knew once Sam and Mille signed on the show would go places. Emilia I want to thank you for sticking around and dealing with all of our bullshit, while being able to maintain a smile on your face. And Samantha I wanted to thank you for always being willing to do anything. You two have made the show what it is and I'm so grateful to get to work with you both" I pulled Millie into me wrapping my arm over her

Tears sprang my eyes at JJs speech. I looked around at everyone and I assumed the expected me to say something. "Umm, we all know I don't like speaking in front of people, but umm. Thank you for choosing me to bring Anna to life, you all have truly changed my life and I'm lucky to call every one of you family. Mills I want to thank you for being my ride or die, you've truly saved my life through these years and I have no clue where I would be without you. JJ I want to thank you for always listening to my ideas, being flexible with my house and over all being the best Director I could have ever hopped for. I love each and every one of you, so again thank you for everything" I let my tears fall down my face as I was engulfed in a warm hug

I started to pack up my trailer and the years flashed backed. After everything was packed I sat on my couch crying. I wasn't ready to give this show up just yet, it hurt my heart to say goodbye. The door opened to reveal my manager Paul. "Hey Sam how are you?" He sat beside me "I feel like shit. It feels like I'm losing a part of myself" he sat quietly, "I know, but don't think of it as the end. Think of it as the future, you'll see these people in months time for press and the premier" I smiled wiping my tears, "I guess your right" he smiled siting up "I always am. Anyways I'm one call away if you need anything" I smiled watching him leave

I hugged everyone that worked on the show as I was leaving. Words can't describe how I feel about this show and how much it means to me. I quickly wiped my tears and called an Uber. Once at my rental I went to my room breaking down crying, I cried myself to sleep that night

I awoke around 12:15 the next day. I got out of bed and calling Richard. "My favorite Brit, what can I do for you today?" I laughed looking in my fridge "Nothing much. I'm leaving Scotland tomorrow and was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch" He sighed "I would love to Parker, I really would. But I'm not home at the moment. I'm going to Alex's show in California" My smile vanished, "How is she?" I bit my lip pulling out some string cheese "She's really good. She's on the main roster now" I heard someone talk to him "Hey I have to go, I'll call you next week ya?" I shut the door, "Ya that's fine. Send her my love please" I haven't talked to Alex in a while, I hope she's okay after everything that happened


Samantha Parker set to be starting in the upcoming Disney Plus original Hawkeye along side Jeremy Renner and more

Parker first burst onto the acting scene all the way back in 2015 when she stared in Pitch Perfect 2. The than 18 year old actress had this to say about the project "I loved it. All the woman where so nice and it really felt like a huge family"

Since then Parker has taken the world by storm staring on over 35 new projects. Her latest project is Dawn of Light, where she plays Anna Smith the daughter of an assassin. She stars along side Game of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke. The two seem to get along just fine and seem to be best friends

After long speculation Kevin Figge set the record straight that Samantha will be in fact having a leading role in the upcoming Hawkeye television show. Not much information has been said about this show but production is speculated to be starting late June early July of next year

Once I read that I immediately called Paul. "Paul what the fuck, why didn't you tell me I got the job????" I heard him chuckle "I was going to tell you yesterday but you where a mess" I sighed sitting at meh counter, "I'll send you more information about it right now" I ran my hands threw my hair "Just send it to me when I get home. I have to start packing up my rental"

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