A little to much

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Elizabeth POV
It's been about a month since Sam and I were officially engaged and I couldn't be happier. She started filming for her show 3 weeks ago and everything's been going super well. I was on my way to the doctors office to find the sex of the baby and Sam was meeting me there. I'm so nervous and excited!

When I got out of the car I saw Sam standing in front of the building smoking. I closed my eyes getting annoyed that she's been smoking more recently. She put it out as soon as she saw me "Hey darling" I smiled as she leaned down hugging me. I crunched my nose at the smell of tobacco on her, "Are you ready to find the sex of our baby?" I smiled "Im ecstatic"

Samantha POV
I sat next to Lizzie as the doctor moved the device over her stomach. "How have you been feeling?" Lizzie smiled squeezing my hand "I've been feeling better. My lower backs starting to ache but other than that I feel fine" she smiled "That's very normal for how far along you are" I smiled "How far is she?" The doctor smiled looking back at the screen "From this scan and the progression of the baby I would say around 3-4 months"

The doctor looked over at the screen smiling "Would you like to know the gender?" I smiled looking at Lizzie, "Please" the doctor looked at me "Whatever she wants" they both laughed as the doctor moved it over the baby "Well, congratulations your having a boy and a girl!!!" I smiled widely looking at Lizzie, "Where having twins!!!" I bent down capturing her lips in a short kiss

Elizabeth POV
After the appointment I couldn't compress my smile "What do you think of Jason and Jane?" I laughed "Babe, I'm not naming our kids Jason and Jane" she bit her lip opening my car door "Come on, little Jason and Jane Olsen. The new Olsen twins" I smiled shaking my head, "No" I got into the car shutting the door rolling the window down. "When will you be back?" Sam smiled "Around 12 tonight" I nodded "I'll put the left overs in the fridge" she smiled leaning in kissing my cheek "I love you babe" I smiled "I love you more"

After dinner I cleaned the house and responded to some emails. I smiled looking at my stomach. I need to tell Robbie. He has every right to be in our children's life. I grabbed my phone calling him

"Hey Lizzie how are you?" I smiled "I'm doing very well Rob. How's LA?" He chuckled a little "Lonely without you" I took a deep breath "I know, and I'm sorry" I played with my ring "So are you in town?" I rested my hand on my stomach "No, I'm actually in New York. Sam's filming a show out here" "That's awesome. So Uh, why are you calling?" I smiled "So I'm uh, I'm pregnant"

Samantha POV
"Daya give me the gun" Dascha turned to me pointing the gun causing everyone to back up, "Smith stop" I turned to Laura "Why? She just killed a guard" Dascha pointed the gun at my head "Say that again Smith. I dare you" I closed my eyes "Da-" she shook her head pressing the gun farther into me head "DON'T" Taylor grabbed my hand "Diaz let her go. Alex and I'll take care of her?" I started to breath heavily "CUT"

After a few more hours of filming I was finally able to go home. "So Sam, are we still on for drinks?" I smiled at Natasha "Yup!" She smiled "I think Taylor, Uzo, Yael, Jackie, Danielle, and Taryn are coming too" I nodded "I'll meet you guys there" she nodded walking out of my trailer

When I got to the restaurant I saw Jackie and Yael outside talking. "Hey loves" they smiled at me "Hey Sam! How are you?" I smiled "I'm good. Is everyone here?" Jackie shook her head "No, Taylor's running late" I nodded pulling out my smokes offering one to them each

Elizabeth POV
I woke up to a loud noise in the living room. I immediately reached for Sam but her side of the bed was empty. I grabbed my phone calling Sam. I heard a phone ring in the living room causing my anxiety to disappear. I opened the bedroom door seeing Sam bent down cleaning up broken glass, "Baby it's 2 in the morning" Sam looked up smiling goofy "I know, but I dropped the bottle of Jack and-" I closed my eyes of course she was drunk

I shook my head walking into the room. Sam came into the room a few moments later, laying next to me. "I'm sorry that I'm drunk. I didn't realize I had to much till I was already at this point" I ignored her trying to go back to sleep. I heard her voice break "I'm sorry I'm a fuck up. I just- I know you can do better than me. And I don't know why you stay with me" I sat up engulfing her in a hug "Sam, I love you more than words can describe" she sniffed leaning closer into me

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